Just Improve
Hi im 21 years old and im trying to get better at painting. I live in the netherlands and im still inspired by all the improving artists here. I was trying to be mr perfect but thats only frustrating. I learned that i was only frsutrated by that and now im going to just draw look wat i can reach and leave it that way. I noticed im less stressed and haveing more fun and somehow i draw bet

So heres to a new start .

Btw you can notice i never finished anything properly thats becuz of my perfectionism that time im kinda done with it now so i can finish stuff more easy.

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Hey! I can tell you that you're right in deviating from perfectionism. Simply do the absolute best that your being can muster and walk away pleased.

I'd say in terms of improvement, get started on blasting out as many gesture drawings and anatomy studies as you can. This will give you a much better picture of the figure. Start posing them and playing with what you know from your head to gauge where you're at.

As far as painting goes, find a well-known painting book like Alla Prima or Eye of the Painter. These will permit you to gather painting fundamentals while working on your anatomical library. Paint from photos or life to reinforce what you're reading.

This should really help you accelerate your progress. Best of luck!


Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Hey there!
Welcome to the Daggerrrrrs!

I know that feel when it comes to perfectionism haha. It's good that you're breaking the habit (queue Linkin Park :3) though, because when it comes to art: focussing on key areas of study (e.g. form, colour, perspective, light, composition) + quantity over quality = definitely key to getting better at art - it's very similar to training at the gym to get ripped -> you don't run on the treadmill, lifting weights while kickboxing, instead you would isolate different muscle groups to get the best results :D.

I see a bunch of awesome in your first post, it'll be cool to watch you on your journey. Keep kicking butt!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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