Wardy's New Sketchbook :)
ok so pretty much finished the base figure of this. what do you guys think? completely without reference, using what i learned today.
ignore the arm furthest away from us, i think it will be covered. its always an awkward one to do as wel..

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Here's that paintover:
great paintover man, awesome points, will change it now. i did think the legs looked awkward, i tend to splay them too much because im afriad of vertical angles but it looks so much more natural you youve done them. nice job man!
And also one leg always takes the majority of the weight. In this case it's the straight one, which means the muscle above the knee will curve (sometimes quite radically) out and away from the leg. I had to redo that muscle in this pic, there are so many ways to draw it.
oh cool! i forgot about what weight goes on what leg in my sketches, gonna do a whole load of new ones. is it bad that i far prefer doing female figure studies compared to male?! (im not that pervy i swear, drawing guys is just far more boring as there are no curves...)
Guess what.
Figure. Studies. Nuff said.
5-10 studies and then i did about 4-5 of these from imagination, and yes one of them is just an ass... i got bored shoot me ;)
learnt that hips are very important and can be drawn like an elipse, also that the main torso can be split into the ribcage and a kinda teardrop shaped strip from there to the crotch. finding shortcuts is fun!

just the first 10-15 mins of a sketch, not really sure how its looking atm so would love some crit.
idea is a nature sprite of some kind/benign spirit materializing out of perhaps a pool or maybe just the fog i dont know yet :D
mostly just trying to use a figure in a painting to get used to characters

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(04-19-2014, 08:34 AM)Wardy Wrote: update

I really love the mood/serenity you've got going in this image.

I'm not quite at the same level but I think I might be able to give a critique. The main issue in the image is that the spine is too arched and out of balance, straightening it some would add stability and elegance.

There's also some issues with the lighting on the uplifted arm and its shoulder.

I straightened her out with liquify and somewhat traced the position of the spine and lines of action in the former image for comparison. Also, I didn't highlight it but notice how the liquified image now has a more solid arc/line of action that goes from the shoulder to the hip and back.

[Image: u9zWLVe.jpg]

[Image: 8nzwmUd.jpg]
thanks for the crit kittenile!

study of the one and only miranda kerr. never done a portrait before so this is very much new territory for me!
please feel free to crit. and yes i know.... she has crazy eyes.... meh.
oh and her face is too wide ive noticed, but there you go :)

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stage 1 of new character. summin wit a sword. need to work on drawing boobs.

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Nice stuff wardy, getting there. Not sure if you havent already, but check out Proko's figure drawing youtube channel, it will help you loads :) https://www.youtube.com/user/ProkoTV

Keep up the good work :)

thanks! yeah i have checked out some of his vids, now watching a Sycra one which is pretty good too (learning how to draw boobs better...). thanks man!

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figure value study
approx 1hr 30

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speedpaint, 45min, may carry on but need to work out what the hell the idea is. is it a sci fi home for a lot of people after a huge war?
is it a crashed ship? if so why is there such a convenient door? should people be coming in on ships? should i have clothes lines hanging off it to show its inhabited? is it a research facility?
HELP. but yeh this was fun :)

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2hrs in, WIP
concept is pretty generic but its fun- necromancers/warlocks summoning an ancient god, dude with what will be a crossbow keeping the balance for the church.
good times.

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Nice atmo and comps in your recent enviro speedies. Great improvement!

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
thanks man i really appreciate it :)

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Speedpaint, 1hour. just havin fuuun.

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the recent speedies are great, huge improvement already
thanks man!

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