Wardy's New Sketchbook :)
thanks guys! some figar studeez

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Train, gain, or stay the same.
hey guys, long time no post so i thought i'd update y'all.
some head studies- im gonna learn to paint faces so i can push my character designs a bit more and do some portrait work!
hard as hell but im doing what i can to learn, using loomis atm :)

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Train, gain, or stay the same.
It took me 2 weeks of non stop heads to kinda get the feeling of drawing them in perspective, it hurted ALL the time, keep it up man, it seriously pays off and you'll feel awesome later.
Hogarth has a very very simple yet effective way to do so, check him out too ;)

god it is hard. seriously the hardest thing ive ever done.
yeah ive been looking at his, i find it very useful for placement of features but not as much for construction, though gonna have another look tonight, thanks for the comment will keep pushing!

Train, gain, or stay the same.
face and bewbie studies. face studies for learning, boobies for fun (and a little bit for learning :3 ) .
gonna break the face down into individual features, so ive done nose and eyes for the meantime.

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Train, gain, or stay the same.
latest painting i've done after a break (laptop somewhat died on me!).
around 7hrs, essentially incorporated a huge snow study into a painting, trying out some new techniques with chalks brushes! a lot of fun :)
let me know what you think!


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Train, gain, or stay the same.
First post in a long time, sorry about that.
Just three face studies I did today, a small fragment of this months challenge of 3 a day for a month.
Extending it until the 10th, then hopefully I can post all my traditionally drawn ones on here once I figure our how one scans...
Any general crit would be great, they arent fantastic I know but I'm learning!

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Train, gain, or stay the same.
Hey, man. I thought I'd try and give some tips on how you go about doing your drawings. 

One thing I'd recommend you try out is to simplify all contours and only use straight lines. Getting curved lines to be correct is hard and it's even harder to check if they're correct. By using straight lines you simplify everything and it allows you to better compare angles and structure. 

When drawing the features, this approach lets you simplify the very difficult and allow you to notice the subtle changes in angles that things like the eye has. 

Another thing to bring up is what information you need to draw. Some information in a drawing can just be implied. You don't need to draw all the contours of the lips because they are not as important as changes in contour of form. You can just imply them and it tends to look more natural. 

One of the most important parts of the face is the plane between the brows, above the nose. This area gives a lot of structure and it is where you can suggest the depth of the eye sockets and the protrusion of the brow. You don't need to do much, just hint and it adds a lot of structure.

I quickly drew over your drawings to show how this would have looked if this was done the way I suggested. I changed very little, the proportions are very good, just a few corrections to the jaws and angle of the centre drawing's eye socket. I also exaggerated some of the existing angles of the features to better show what I meant. 

You have good drawings there, just a few changes in how you approach a drawing and you would push them to a higher level :)

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
That's really a need demonstration, gonna save that for future notes.

Heads are definitely hard, especially perspective. Getting back into them today, since I pretty much reached that chapter in Hampton's book. Possibly gonna take me a good 1 weeks of 2 weeks to get it right. But will eventually get better, keep at it!
wow really cool technique tristan, challenge accepted will be drawing in that style from now on.
really love how you tackle the lips by just 'suggesting' them as you said, i really struggle to not make them look forced and stuck on, really good idea.
also a great point that its much easier to register when youve got an angle wrong especially with the eyes if its a straight line not a curve which gives infinite margin for error.
will do this today and post, would love to know what you think of them when I do, thanks man!

@zearthus, yeah for sure, what makes me happy is seeing progression drawing by drawing, even if its a small one. im still at a very amateur level at this but im feeling positive after every day drawing which is a really good thing to keep you going :) good luck too man!

Train, gain, or stay the same.

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