A Painting A Day Keeps The Bad Weather Away *Daily Sketchbook
Hands from memory look well structured man. Really awesome that you are applying and learning actively. I need to do more of that.

Nice stuff. That page of heads you painted are nice. You're gestures and stuff all have a great liveliness to them despite the line work being a bit rough. Just keep refining what line work you do in the future and those sketches will continue looking better.

That WIP looks cool. The perspective is working pretty well. It's good to see you put in some lines to help out, and it seems they did the job. It'll be really nice to see it coming together. :D

Thanks guys!

Quote:That WIP looks cool. The perspective is working pretty well. It's good to see you put in some lines to help out, and it seems they did the job. It'll be really nice to see it coming together. :D

Oops, I had forgotten about the WIP thing, I will have to make sure I finish that. Thanks for the reminder. :p
Not much got done today, although after an eon of procrastination I finally did my first ever feet study's. And yes, you heard right, first ever. I don't know how I got this far without ever studying feet but it's probably time I did something about it.

Absolutely shattered today. Early night so I will have studying energy tomorrow.

Did some realism study's today. I felt like I learned allot but I'm not sure if it's in anyway practical.

Spent allot of time experimenting and creating brushes in Photoshop trying to create brushes for cloth textures, I've never really used texture brushes before and I wonder if I'm missing out.

Nice life studies. I'm sure they'll be useful. Once you understand how a material looks under certain conditions (light/shadow/reflections/folds) you'll be able to replicate a much more convincing version of them for your original works.

As for texture brushes, they help in improving brush economy(?) and reducing time spent rendering them bit by bit with your usual round brush.

Yep. I'll just have to be careful not to spend more time making brushes than making paintings. :p

1 & 2: Stuff I did for Crimson Arena leading ladies.
3: 1hr study painting, trying to teach myself to get as much down as possible in a short space of time.



More stuff for Crimson Arena Leading Ladies.

I was having some nasty wrist pains and hand cramps which got me worried about permanent damage, so I took a bit of an art break. But the pains are mostly gone now, and hopefully I can get back to posting daily again.

This was my final entry for Crimson Arena Leading Ladies.


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