Looking for a study buddy! Focus on figure, environments/architecture, and atmosphere
Hi! My name is Pam, and I'm really new here (I've been a member for about an hour or so), and I'd like to find someone to do architectural, environment, and figure studies with. My sketchbook thread is over yonder, and it's pretty reflective of my current skill level and capabilities.

I was also thinking about watching a movie (or movies) and doing a series of color keys/frame studies in order to better understand mood and composition.


I live in the Pacific Timezone (UTC -8), and I tend to wake early (7-8 AM).

My work schedule tends to vary, however, I work part-time and am otherwise not a busy person. I will continuously update this thread with my schedule for the current and coming weeks..

This week, I will be available on June 27th from 10AM to 2 PM, June 28th and 29th from 9AM to 12AM, and June 30th from 5PM to 12 AM.

I have a livestream account, or we could do a desktop share through join.me or tinychat. Skype voice calls are also an option.


AIM: invertebrother
Skype: amnesolax
email: [email protected]
or PM me on here.
im kind of new on the forum and i still looking for brothers in arms hope we can do something

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