Study, Study, Study......
Really great stuff man. I envy your values and how you handle your edges with that nice grainy feel. It'd be great to see some colours :)

foxfire1345- Thanks a lot :), I answered your questions in your sketchbook :)
lungcell- Thanks a lot dude, really appreciate it. I'm actually color blind, whick sucks really bad but I will start soon to try and do some color studies :)

Here is a shitty movie study and a torso study that I might finish tomorrow as I'm just too tired right now to even see properly haha.

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Heres some torso studies from today, look like shit but learned quite a bit from them.

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Amazing pencil skills man, but it's missing some hard edges on digital stuff, they're too blurry. Post moar!

kaamil20- Thanks man, I will but just wanted to do some varied body type studies too :)
zanchetin- Thanks a lot man :), yeah I totally see what you mean about the edges, didn't even really realize until you pointed it out. I think it's because I use low flow (that rhymed haha) so when I go back over my strokes I get a small value changes at the edges making it look soft from a distance.

Here's a really bad torso study and an equally bad imagination sketch from tonight. Just really haven't felt like drawing over the past few days, dunno why but I find it really hard to force myself to draw when I don't want to or feel like everything I'm doing sucks, wanna find a way to get past that.

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Really cool stuff, though i agree with the edges stuff, the last few things look a bit too blurry everywhere. Your pencils look awesome as usual. What's that you are holding in your hand on #18 ? :D

Wils- Yep my edges do need some sharpening up, trying to work on it now :). Thank you and the thing in number 18 was just a head sculpt in clay, just trying to really get form down.

Heres a self portrait from today, messed the eyes up haha. Also recorded a video of the process and sped it up, trying to watch myself back and work out my errors, any crits on my process would be really appreciated, thanks :).

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Heres a couple more studies

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Some studies, btw I'm colorblind that's why the color selfy especially sucks.

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