Hey guys!

My name's Alexander Lebedev (Alex), alias Eleven, and I just graduated small Communication Design college.

My life goal was to be involved in making Video games, since they kinda saved (or ruined, who knows..) my entire childhood living in Russia. I forcefully moved to Germany as i was 13 and been living here ever since. I loved doodling and with google's help realized that one can doodle for living, so I was thrilled to chose my career path as concept artist. I started taking classes in drawing since I'm 16 years old and after long time looking for someone to teach me art fundamentals in my Area (which is impossible) I kinda gave up on it and tried teaching myself, as I took classes in Graphic Design (with major in Illustration) at one local college. The only good thing happened to me in this school is that I met a very good mentor there, which helped me a lot with my self-studying. But I still had to do a lot of stuff which didn't have to anything with art at all, so these 4,5 years have been almost a waste of time. But now that I graduated I can finally really start kicking myself to become better at Sketching and painting.

TL;DR: I tried being good at art, but failed due to college. Now I'm free and willing to make up for it, since I'm 23 and there's not much time left if I want to enjoy other things in life.

my blog/portfolio: http://www.i11u.com

I opened up my study sketchbook here on CrimsonDaggers so please drop by and crit as much as you like.

Oh and nice meeting y'all. I've been a long time lurker... you do great stuff in here.
(I was sure I replied to this intro thread D: !!)

Hey Alex and welcome to the daggers!

It's really awesome to hear how early you wanted to get serious about art and learn the fundamentals! I know exactly what you mean by the "one can have a living doodling" part hahaha.

Sucks to hear about the 180 college ended up having on you, but good to know you're focussing on the future! What's done is done, it's time to kick some ass, for example, is a great mentality to adopt :D

I checked out your portfolio (soon your sketchbook too!) and daaaaayum, really digging that "Pat Conley" design as well as "Ubik Chapter 1"

Hope you enjoy your stay and all the best!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Jee, now I screwed up answering you :D

thanks for a welcome! And thanks for compliments on my work!

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