currently doin some research for my CHOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!! over at daggers heheheheheheh!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 will post them when these ink sketches aren't all well unintelligable. Uhh everything looks like ass 5 hours after you do it lol
Man i suck at landscapes... so i'm gonna do sommm bout it!! for the next week or two im gonna do 10 thumbs from master paintings a day in my physical sketchbook
then try to do 5 from the mind even if the SOOOK! just the little bit i did today really seemed to help! :) :)
Sooooo here's some duudes and a crappy still life warmup, these are good warmups tho, the life paintings. and a bernstaidintntt however the ferk you pronounce his
name really good though! I hate drawin dudes..
also been practicin aloot to papaninja and chromosome's stuff. really been helping! "The answer lies in your sketchbook" Will Terrell :)
here's some influence worship.. Guys i dunno if i'm gonna be able to keep the cute cartoony thing up; I don't really feel it's me and i'm sure you can feel that too. I'll still exaggerate but it might not be the same extent as before. I kinda was just doing it because it was easy and i thought it'd be appealing but it just isn't because even i don't care much for it. my work from here on is gonna look a bit darker and edgier, since i feel that's really what i want to do; characters with power and sophistication; But i'll be a koala forever :)
Good point, dood <3 it's all up to you though - I wasn't sure if that style was what you're truly inspired by, etc. Always good to get that realistic study in there and then pull off exaggerated sketches with what you learned and whatnot~
Either way, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah bby let's pump up the jam !
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else." I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Hey , you can totally really like certain styles and they don't have to be your thing hehe.
For example. I really love well drawn anime. But they would totally not be my thing to draw. However I will still be inspired by certain aspects of them in the future. (mostly overwhelming rage/power and huge weapons ... I know ... I'm cheap)
Just be sure you "sort of" know where you wanna go. (saying sort of because things can change in time , your opinions ... etc)
Smrrfette: Thanks smrr i'm SUPER EXCITED TO keep WORKIN!!
Adrian: thanks man, i just don't know what i like sometimes; i know what i want my stuff to look like and it's pretty much painted realism. I guess with as goofy
as i seem i'm just not cut out for stylized stuff
Just stuff today, no faces cuz idunno yet. prolly startin on CHOW tomorrow but i'm keepin it under wraps till i'm done :)
This first thing is for the CHOW at crimson daggers, the rest are studies the last thing is the iterations i went through to find the final comp blah blah blah typings lame. Also thnks smrr for the help!! some studies in there are from dave rapoza Serge Marshennikov and boug
Nice to see you working hard. Some paintings are so weird and creep me out (but I guess that's exactly what you want to make) but I can see progress from first portrait and way of rendering, keep it up.
Also, that pink batman is commission for some person who wanted to make a gift for a friend, like flamboyant sparkly batman.
Hello Mr. Koala! As always, great volume and dedication of work. I'd like to recommend doing more pose drawings as I think it will help add structure to your anatomies. And the info you are taking from your master studies looks like it is helping you, so more of those? Can't go wrong there :)
The faces... the FACES! Great stuffs Fedodika, only crits would be what Nate suggested brcause your faces are so lively, so pushing the figures would be amazeballs! :D
Gogogogo, work smaaaaaaaaaaaart!!
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else." I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Panda: oooh thanks! i'm sorry they creep you out, most of them that wasn't the intention, i think it's cuz i was working in a style i personally didn't enjoy making, but i'm working towards making one i do! it's been lots of fun! that must have been a weird person to suggest that lol
PNATEBUTTERJELLY: THANKS! Anatomy is HAAAARD :/ But i have been slammin the hogarthe lately, it's really been helping or at least it feels like it :). I'll try to post more figures soon! Yea i'm pretty happy with this caravaggio study i recently did, but the hands are kinda meh
Soooo this first one is me being all jeremy lipking fanboy using a limited pallette. Damn, i'm gonna download that thing he put up about using the whole gammot with just red yellow black and white. Gosh He's SOOOOOOO GOOD!!!! I freakin loveee some good oil painters!!
Also trying to get back to my old way of drawing more like malcolm liepke, super big influence on me, and NOT cartoony! gonna try to replicate that traditional look i love, and just stick well more to what i love to see.
alright alright here's my contest piece, i'm really happy with it, definately the style i wanna go for. Put a lot more time into this one i hope it shows, the rest is just studies, and next time i'll have some figures promise!!!
gonna sleep on this one before DA, sorry if any double uploads..