07-02-2013, 10:20 AM
hello, I'm doing this illustration for unconventional cookbook, and this is the recipe that I got to make
"dear son, I leave a recipe to cook...
Asparagus Omelette
2 eggs.
100 g of cooked asparagus tips.
1 tablespoon of butter.
Salt and pepper to taste.
The studs are cut into small pieces and place in a bowl along with the eggs and beat well.
In a pan put butter on the fire and when hot place the cooked eggs, lower the heat and salt & pepper.
Cook over medium low heat bending the tortilla should be very tender.
Should browning on both sides."
"dear son, I leave a recipe to cook...
Asparagus Omelette
2 eggs.
100 g of cooked asparagus tips.
1 tablespoon of butter.
Salt and pepper to taste.
The studs are cut into small pieces and place in a bowl along with the eggs and beat well.
In a pan put butter on the fire and when hot place the cooked eggs, lower the heat and salt & pepper.
Cook over medium low heat bending the tortilla should be very tender.
Should browning on both sides."
![[Image: 1062050_593747137314062_224889546_n.jpg?...11cf573996]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/1062050_593747137314062_224889546_n.jpg?oh=4e3619743ecf99a7691e2ee0223bf1fe&oe=51D4185A&__gda__=1372906230_2e60296c1e21420e559c8811cf573996)