Bloodsport #5 - Nausicaa
here are my thumbnails for my Nausicaa concept i intend to take the first one or last one, sorry about the size
[Image: nausicaathumbnailslayou.jpg]

here are the two thumbs i took bigger and added a bit of lighting the one with sweet spot is the area im going to put something there including an environment

[Image: mainconcept2700.jpg]

[Image: nausicaaconceptmain700.jpg]
dont forget that the image must also include an ENVIRONMENT or ELEMENTS of an environment!
Yeah i haven't forgot where. I put sweet spot is where I intend to do an environment. And as environments or backgrounds is my weakness Thts where im. Going to study on
here is an update working on the values a bit closely going to do studies and colour comps next

[Image: naucolourcomps.jpg]


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