David Ogilvie's sketchbook
Hi everyone, I thought I'd post ups ome of my crimson dagger's stuff. Some sketches, studies and a couple of bloodsport entries.

Crimson Daggers is realy taking off its a great comunity. Way to go Dave and Dan.


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Your Alien studies always blow me away. Love em!

Great technique man. Keep it up!

Available for Freelance - Portfolio | CD Sketchbook | Blog | Email
Great studies! I think you've got quite the hand for creating complex and layered atmospheres, however they get a little flat sometimes. Maybe pop the value a little on both ends of the specturm, and play up some more saturation with the color. Overall really cool, keep burning the midnight oil.
Zesiul - Thanks man, i gotta do some more movie stills I always enjoy them and learn a lot. Cheers.

CoreyKLamb - Thanks, yea colour theory is my biggest area of weakness, i'm trying to work on improving it in each new piece. I see what you mean with the values too. Cheers

good stuff man

Hey guys here are a few studies for the next bloodsport challenge looking forward to seeing everyone's entries.

@brenthollowell- Thanks man. Your producing heaps of good work. Keep it up.

[Image: white_wolf.jpg]
[Image: maryelisabeth02.jpg]
[Image: billy.jpg]

Hey Guys here's my final piece for the latest bloodsport challenge. I had a lot of fun on this and learnt alot.

[Image: DavidOgilve_PrincessMononoke_02.jpg]

Such a great movie. Trying to improve on my colour theory and lighting.

[Image: Bladerunner01.jpg]

Hey everyone here is my piece for the Bloodsports #8. I didn't get to do many studies for it either, it really makes a big difference when you can do studies and directly apply them to your work. It was good fun though.
[Image: wolfblitzer04.jpg]

This started as a quick sketch but I liked how it was going so I put a bit more time into it. Done over three nights after work, just for fun.
[Image: creatureblacklagoon03.jpg]

Really nice stuf. Keep it up!

Hey guys here couple of new pics, more details on my blog

firts one's a cover for a pitch for marvel that I did at work
[Image: Avengers_logo.jpg]

second one is a new portfolio piece
[Image: ironclad02.jpg]


awesome stuff bro! Thanks for the visit in my sketchbook!:D
-Thanks Piotr :)

-Cheers Alex, no worries your killing it man :D

Nice works mate, keep going!

after I saw this, I went immediately to your blog, cool stuff you have here and there man

-EduardoGaray Thanks I will

-Kike Rdz thank I appreciate it.

Here's a new portfolio piece trying to push my usual dark lighting scheme.

Cheers[Image: sunstrike02_zps24d86577.jpg]

Woo this piece is looking realy nice; Since you have top down light on her, I think you need a light area on the tight that is lifted up, for the sake of consistency. But very nice piece man!

Hi guys a couple of new portfolio pieces I did for the IFX risings stars comp. It's been a good motivator to produce some fresh work. Any crits or feedback and I love to hear them

Ursula Dorada- Thanks for the crit your totaly right, I missed that, I've fixed it now and it looks heaps better, so cheers :D

[Image: forwardguard_zpse4243731.jpg]

[Image: Smauginsideinformation_zps2b0f08b9.jpg]

The one critique i have for so is that you should push your colors more.. Because even though your image is in color it still feel like it is black and white.. It is a lover image.. I added so colors to see if it could help.. It feels like your going for a darker scene but the character is blending into the background. I pumped up a few values.. Hope it helps.

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Hi everyone

-M-rahsart, Thanks for taking the time to crit that piece, I totaly agree colour is my biggest weak point, I'm trying to stop my pieces looking so muddy and grey. Cheers

I just finished this commision and thought I'd post it up

[Image: zombie_page01.jpg]


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