>Print: "Hello world!"
Some light intro to programming humor.Party

Anyway, I'm AyaneMatrix and I am switching from a lurker to more of member of this site. I was also recommended to visit here by one of my classmates, but it really took me forever to do so.Rolling eyes, funny thought

As such, I do have some training in the arts, but I believe much of my current problem is not having confidence in my work. It's an awkward thing to say when you're in art school and have about a year left to go, but my confidence level dropped considerably over the last few months and it has noticeably affected my artwork. So, I've been bouncing around trying to get my mojo back, so to speak.

Places that I frequently post my artwork/sketches to are as follows:
Tumblr Digital Sketchbook Almost daily here.
Anatomy Studies A lot of cross posts from above.

I think that's pretty much it. I'm still feeling new here, not to mention lost.Meh That'll obviously pass as I use the site more.

Hahaha I totally got that joke ;)

Hello and welcome to CD!!
Woot! Another lurker-turned-member! Glad you made the switch :)

Oh, that's an interesting one... It's different to hear someone from art school feel negatively of their work, especially with a year left...
Well, hopefully by joining the daggers, you will get your mojo back!!
I'm sure you'll meet a bunch of people, make the most out of what CD has to offer and get inspired once more!
I wish you all the best aaaand be sure to add a CD sketchbook to that list of yours - so we can check out your work regularly and provide some sweet, sweet feedback.

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
I've started one shortly after making a post here. Not much there at the moment, but I guess there'll be more in time.

And honestly, I've just been feeling everything I make is garbage as of late, regardless of whether that may be the case or not. I really want to get out of this dumb funk. :(


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