O hurro thar.
Afternoon all :] I'm new here, though I signed up months ago(?), this is the first time I have actually posted. I was suggested here by a friend, because I have been trying to better myself as an artist but I just wasn't making as much progress as I would like as I wasn't getting any of the crit and feedback that I desperately need.

Soooo.... here I am, I'm sure he will approve of me getting off my lazy arse and finally posting. I have a blog which I try and keep updated whenever I have new art I'm happy to share. I look forward to getting to know you guys <3

Evenin' Amanda (stalked yo' blog - sickest banner omg)! Welcome to CD ;D!

Well it's about time you did post then! Haha
You're definitely in the right place buddy - so long as you remember that sharing is caring - no doubt you'll get what you need out of your stay <3
Don't be afraid to jump in ^^

Hope you enjoy your stay!

P.s. holy crap you lucky thing you went to E3?! ;_______; I bet it was amazeballs!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Thank you for the welcome :D

I'll attempt to fall right into this place, probably won't be hardcore dedication as I'm doing a fair bit at work atm which make me want nothing more than to sink into a good book or game. Probably the main reason why I'm joining here actually, trying not to be lazy.

Yesssss, yes it was. I totally had my way with all the pretty games and consoles haha


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