Chantal's digital portfolio
Hello everyone.
A while ago I created a thread here with my traditional paintings, but I think it has very little in common with my digital stuff so I thought I'd make a separate digital thread.

Feel free to crit and comment (though I can't promise that I'll make the changes.)

Without further ado:
[Image: trollonfire_cfournier.png]
Some Shadowrun-style troll.

[Image: zoltara_cfournier.png]
Portrait of an Exalted character.
[Image: djalla_cfournier.png]
Concept art fr that character

Hi Chantal. Really like the Exalted character. I think the troll needs some work on his legs though; his left knee looks too high and his hips/crotch area looks a little narrow/squished. Also, as the eye is drawn to areas of high contrast I initially focus on the bulk of the body rather than his face (if you really squint your eyes the horns almost disappear into the same value as the brickwork). Maybe this was your intention but if not, then you could try raising the door lintel so his head is also backlit with flame and really push the interesting silhouette of horns and dreadlocks.

Thanks for the crit Ignatz, I have done some modifications. I lowered the knee and the crotch and lowered the contrast on the crotch, since it's not a focal point of the image. I didn't want to raise the door frame because the guy is just that tall that he's higher than the door frame. I upped the rim lights on his head and added more glowing fuzzy hair to give contrast to his head.

And while I was at it, I upped the contrast all over.

[Image: trollonfire_cfournier.png]

Here are a few new pieces, short story covers for a literary magazine. They will be in black and white in the magazine, but some of them I thought would make nicer portfolio pieces in color. I just made sure that they read well in b&w.
[Image: llama_cfournier.png]
The Last Llama Exterus

[Image: marchevesperal_cfournier.png]
The Vesperal Market, because you never have too much tentacle.

[Image: lafuite_cfournier.png]
The Escape, I never thought I would have to paint a trash chute.

Also, I recently learned that I would be part of the Showcase at Illuxcon in Allentown PA. If you are there, come by and say hi!

I have added some line work to my portfolio, it was all inked in Manga Studio, but the first one was sketched in photoshop.
Starting with this piece, done to submit to one game specifically, bonus points if anyone can identify it!
[Image: graceful_crane_cfournier.png]

And these were published in Adventures Deep and Dark and entirely done in Manga Studio from the sketch.
[Image: amuletundead_cfournier.png]
[Image: hiring_spellcasters_cfournier.png]

Woa, I haven't been around in almost a year. I haven't digitaled much this year, but there's this:
This was a commission for Bill Edmunds for a Kickstarter he's preparing:
[Image: thiefwatcher_chantalfournier.png]

And that's an image inspired by an Exalted game I was running. I sent it to Onyx Path, but it looks like their whole Exalted thing is on hold:
[Image: thefell_cfournier.png]
And a detail:
[Image: thefell_close_cfournier.png]


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