Nice stuff mate. Just keep hammering those studies and you'll be all good. peace!

Welcome back! :) Good idea to do some traditional media to jump back into it all. Keep going.

Thanks daggers.

If anyone happens to find one of those old steely martial arts mentors who also do freelance, send them my way. Got to get disciplined, but its tricky to do that with yourself.

Some Wips, kind of ripped the character off the study piece, oh well.


Cool stuff man! That last one has a nice vibe to it, and that study is looking sweet too. so much progress!

Liking the perspective pen sketches, man. It's good to practice wide-angled lens shots, like you have here, but if you're not intending for the distortion to be in your drawings that's something to be constantly aware of. Placing your vanishing points too close within the cone of vision will cause things to distort, so a quick way to make sure that this doesn't happen is to place them farther away from each other than you have here, usually off of the page.

You are correct, sometimes I set one of the VP-s on another page in the notebook, other times im happy with distorted look. Ive also tried to set VP-s far away and eyeball it, but my sense of perspective isnt good enough yet.

Finished my first notebook of pen sketches, will be good to look back at in the future.

Finished the study now moving on to the illustration, figured out that the pose was too stiff and loosened up some stuff. Right now Im considering if I should do the illustration in close up portrait or the current one.

Made some progress with the character, still rendering, will post when its done.

Good, Good ;3 I can see you struggle a bit with rendering. I would suggest doing a lot more master studies with focus on figuring out their technique and really long still life paintings. It should help you improve your grasp over this issue. And don't forget to study proportions and practice drawing. Drawing is key. Trust me. Keep pushing!

Exactly what ramalooke suggested!
But damn, I do see a good improvement happening.

Just keep at it, just keep at it!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Thanks Rama and Smrr

Pen sketch time. Ive found that when I rapidly do small repeated form lines in my notebook my wrist starts hurting, but then Ill sketch using my elbow, can be trickier, but gets the job done. Low quality doesnt do the first picture justice.


Loadsa awesome stuff in here recently man. Was flicking through the last page, and saw you'd mentioned overworking and stuff. It's definitely a weird balance. Trying to do as much as possible without going insane, keeping it fun, and not just melting into the chair (Wooooo exercise lol). Anyway, figure it's something everyone goes through, and glad to see you're still going. :D

As for an actual crit. One thing you might benefit from is bigger brushes (I may have said this to you before lol). Small brushes have uses for sure, but bigger brushes force you to focus on the forms first and foremost, and that can really help. Trying to simplify forms into planes, and paint the planes with as few strokes as possible can be a useful exercise I think, and even if you don't do it all the time, it's something to think about/check while you paint. :)

As always, gurney's covered it, probably loads of times, but this is the first one I found :)

There's so few brushstrokes in those rocks, yet they still read perfectly. Gregory Manchess is another great example. Loads of simplification in his work :).

Anyway, just a thought, stuff's looking good man, every time I come in here you've stepped it up another notch. So good to see :). Keep it coming!!!

Keep pushing mate ;) Can't wait to see more studies =D

Thank you very much Jake, I am struggling with colors and the depiction of them in larger planes, for example if there are 2 colors scattered in a single surface which one should I pick. Then again maybe its just me following the studies too much and not taking the freedom of choice. Will check out Gurney's method.

Thanks Rama

Some color studies, dont know how to do them exacly.

Update on character, Im tempted to go with the cropped version, but maybe ill find some suitable refs for the hands and lower body.

I like how this mummy guy is comming along. Hope to see it finished soon ;>

Man, look at your first post here and the latest, and tell me there is no improvement! (:

Keep it upp!

Thanks fellas.

Been planning to get back on track with setting goals and getting back to work. So without further ado:

Have 56 hours done by 5th of january.

3h done today

Finished furnishing the portrait, lots of cop outs, but I really wanted to move on.


3h done

4h done


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