Ty Jaik. Cant make any promises on the armor study, its quite time consuming. Learned a lot so far.

Some traditional stuff Ive done lately.

Hey man, long time since i came back here to visit, really liking the rendering on the last armor study btw.. : )

And i see you're working on faces as well, did you try Loomis "Drawing the head and hands" ?
It really helped me out.. :S

Keep it up !

Shin's Sketchbook ▼ ▼ ▼Patreon ▼ ▼ ▼ dArt
Thanks Shin, I have tried it, it was great.


dat pickle.

Looking good man. Suggestion would be to take the pic of the guy in armor that you did 2 posts ago and compare it to the study of the armor, side by side and try and work out where it is different. I find this is the best way to force myself to apply my study. Hope it helps you!

Thanks for the advice Jaik. The armour im doing on my own is supposed to be different, Ill borrow some elements from my study, but mostly Im trying to tackle design and creating something good from imagination. Designing a helmet and torso armor is quite difficult.

On a side note, I really got into Divinity: Original Sin and was bogged down for a few days, but now Ive finished it.

(07-27-2014, 01:42 PM)Jaik Wrote: Ohhhh man! That last armor study! FINISH ITTTTTT! Looks so nice. Try making more shapes without lifting your stylus off the tablet, you will end up with a lot less noise in your paintings at the end.

Keep up the good work :)

DUDE ^ !

Armour study looks friggin' siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick! Beaut work right there man

Also, damn you be inspiring me with your hardwork and shiz, Cracked! Slapping me upside the head for sure
Keep it up man

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Thanks, Im just working on the armor piece by piece when I feel like it. Its a good backlog to have.
Yeah, I worked really hard on playing divinity :D



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Been a while since I've seen your stuff man, but holy shit, you're killing it. This latest knight guy looks awesome!

The only thing that looks a little off is the shield... Not sure how he's holding it for it to be at that angle. Might be worth looking at again. Just a thought :) Really like the comp and the strong silhouette though.

Keep it coming man, gonna have to have a proper look through your sketchbook again at some point. So much improvement.

Yeah the shield doesnt fit, didnt see that mistake. Thanks for dropping by man.

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Hey, Cracked!

Nice to see some traditional stuff on here. This piece you're working on is awsome, I'm really liking the feel of it so far, and the armor design. I'm with Jake on the shield thing, it could just use a bit of work. Another thing that could use some adjusting would be the arms. The right arm is just long, raise the elbow up and it'll look fine, the left one with the shield is looking a bit atrophied, so just thicken it out and that will look fine as well.

One more thing, bring some more saturation into the painting, not much, just enough to sorta liven things up. If you want to keep the forest around him more dead, then just add some good colors in the armor and saturate his cloth to make him stand out.

Hope that helps, it'll be awsome to see it finished! :]

Hey Arch.

Thanks for the critique on the knight painting, I will go over it when I construct a portfolio, but for now Im working on other stuff.





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