Danial does Art
Not much to post, doing mostly color studies and the rest in a sketchbook I can't scan.
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Also working on all the CHOWs from another site, and starting on the Bloodsports in order to get a portfolio somewhat done before January.

Also really trying to save up some money to attend the Bali workshop. But the flight would easily bankrupt me so it's looking too good.
A study, and a character design.

Critiques are highly accepted and wanted. Thanks in advance.

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Nice colors in he studies and cool design, but there is something wrong with her pants at the waist (maybe you did a last minute correction and forgot it?). Keep it up man!

Thanks, I didn't even notice that.

Anyways, my first environment design as well as the start to a redesign/remake of one of my older drawings from high school that I like to redo every year to see how much progress I've made. Would really appreciate some critique and anatomy errors.

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Another update for more frequent stuff. Got into traditional painting recently. Though I'm using the cheapest brushes that just fall apart as I paint, I'm really enjoying it.

First a character from this weeks chow that I didn't enter, and then a portrait study.

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Awesome Studies :)

The Pirate Zombie kinda looks like Michael Jackson from Thriller.

A self portrait for today.

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I'm diggin' that self portrait, nice expression :D
The colour studies in your first post are well done as well.

Not very happy with this, but moving on non the less.

Will be streaming my self portrait tomorrow as well as a bunch of studies.

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hey dude, i think you should spend more time drawing, i think it's one of your biggest weakness ! keep it up !

I'm on my computer whenever I can be, but overall I study for around 9-12 hours a day minus Sundays. Whenever I get a hold of a scanner or a camera I should be able to post all my traditional stuff, which is mainly what I've been doing lately.

Unless of course you mean spend more time on the drawing before hand, in which case I agree.
A wip for the Silver Hawks portraits. Would really love a critique on what to fix and if not asking too much, a small paint over for any major errors.

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It didn't even occur to me to take pictures of my newsprint when I borrowed the camera, so I'll be uploading them next time.

Anyways, dabbling more into acrylics. I have oils, but I still need paint thinner. Also need to get ahold of better brushes that don't fall apart.

I still don't understand how people can take such little amount of paint, and still coat an entire canvas with it.
Doing some more digital studies this week.
Timelapse of the self portrait

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Some more stuff, including my first Bloodsport. Starting the 2nd one on Monday, the remaining week will be studies and random doodles.

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Thumbs for the 2nd Bloodsport before I go on to do some color comps and studies.

There's 3 ways I thought about doing it.
1: The standard rpg card art, a man or woman standing in a swamp, looking like they've lived there for a while. Not necessarily being an old person, just the "elder" or "wisest" person who lives there. He or she has a strong connection to the life there(this being the fireflies)
2: Something like a children book cover. Totoro came to mind. A little boy finds a creature in the bayou behind his property, and decides to make friends with it by offering a flower.
3: Something more of a environment with a character attached. This being a hermit who lives in a swamp.

I'm leaning more towards 1 and 2, so I'll probably push those further.

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Some more work on the illustration. Should be done by Tuesday, still lots to do.

Also some thumbs for the Gauntlet bloodsports.
Merlin will be casting lightning to create the logo on the image.

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Been working on this thing for I don't know how long, and it's been nothing but a pain in my ass to do. But I'm loving every second doing it!

Still got lots to do.

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Been doing some environment studies recently. Having a lot of fun and will try to put them into personal work as I go along.
The first is from today's spitpaint. Topic was foot as big as a stadium, Easter Island and Stonehenge and the big foot from LOST came to mind.

Trying out the armor studies that Forrest and Pnate and Alex Negrea do to help broaden my mental library. Lots of fun and already helping vs my previous static design.

I'm trying to redesign an old character design from 2012/2013, he's a prince who's very proud of his armor, but never uses it in battle, a snobby brat prince. I'm going to try to convey his personality with his perfect armor and a smug look on his face. Any other ideas to get the point across would be fantastic.

Some armor studies and two quick sketches putting the studies to use.


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