Portfolio Piece
I'm trying to develop a portfolio for illustration, particularly book illustration, and am in the process of making 8-10 pieces. I wanted to start a thread where I can share my process and hopefully get some helpful feedback.

Here's the first, a Sea Crone make a bargain. Value is pretty much blocked in but if there is something I'm missing let me know.

Hi SundryAddams,
It is great you are doing a value study. My first question is, did you do "Allot" of thumbnails before the value study? As the painting stands your main focal point is the hand with the flame hovering over it, I did not see the small girl standing on her chest. One real easy way to add a focal point is to place the darkest dark against the lightest light. Do a few thumbnails I am sure you could pull some great focus on the small girl.

Your values are not just what's light and what is dark. Values are the core of your painting, values lead the eye, values help tell the story.

Post your progress I would love to see more.

I actually didn't do any, it was a spur of the moment sketch when the urge to push it came over me. It is something I need to keep in mind.

I tried something to solve the problem, maybe I'll have to knock back the fire a little, worse comes to worst I can scrap the piece and rework it (with thumbnails of course).

The light on her top right (our left) breast is too strong. (ps didnt see the girl even though i was looking at that breast for a good min) It looks like a spotlight is directly hitting it which isnt the case. Also if this is underwater you need alot more dispersion of the lighting. Even the lighting of that magic will not leave such a hard affect on the surrounding area. Also that breast should have a very strong shadow caused by that fish girl. Transition of all the lighting to darkness is way too fast, almost as fast as cell shading(unless thats where you are headed, but still some of the lighting makes no sense even for cell). Where is that light behind her head coming from? Is it the fire? if so that means the light is reaching all the way across her body and hitting there. Which is fine but the way you have it now does not make sense.

Conclusion soften some of the lighting that isn'ta direct spotlight on said surface.
Draw some lights to show where exactly the light is reaching, to help you lay down your values.

keep drawing =)

Is 12% hippy
We got this!
You know, I think this would be better served by started over with proper preparation. Thumbnails et al.

I think you should use some reference for the sea crone, as well.

Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!

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