Ubuchy's Sketchbook
Hey everyone,

I decided to not study somewhere alone in the dark and show off my studies. Because I hope that I'll get good advices from you guys :)

PS: Sorry for my english I'm just 16 yrs old student from Czech Republic :P I'm doing my best.

So, here's my stuff.

[Image: 23.png]
[Image: be34.png]
[Image: 30c12.png]
[Image: 71311.png]
[Image: dc57.png]
[Image: 43e6.png]
Burger movie!
[Image: 2e52.png]
[Image: 1a9.png]
[Image: 9a225.png]
Wanted to do more, but I also wanted to draw other stuff then just hands.
[Image: aae26Challenge.png]
[Image: 28.png]
[Image: 27Undone.png]
[Image: 84331.png]
[Image: bf110.png]
[Image: ea916.png]
[Image: 76f15.png]
[Image: 10f1.png]
[Image: 3a217.png]
[Image: aa418.png]
[Image: abd20.png]
[Image: 36c8.png]
Some weird speedpainting :D Dunno why am I even posting this.
[Image: 31521.png]
[Image: e0d13.png]
Hate doing eyes on my small intuos 4 tablet, hope i'll get cintiq one day x)
[Image: 30.png]
[Image: 3ce32.png]
Ah yes, it's wonderful people like you that make me want to work harder than I ever have!

Fantastic start to your sketchbook - and to think you're only 16... you're laughing already! Haha

The only thing I'd suggest is try to resize your images to a more viewer-friendly size. :D

I can't wait for more, oh my goodness \o/!!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
(08-02-2013, 10:13 PM)smrrfette Wrote: Ah yes, it's wonderful people like you that make me want to work harder than I ever have!

Fantastic start to your sketchbook - and to think you're only 16... you're laughing already! Haha

The only thing I'd suggest is try to resize your images to a more viewer-friendly size. :D

I can't wait for more, oh my goodness \o/!!
Oh thanks, I'm glad that I inspire you to work harder :D
Actually in my school there is a girl that's drawing every single day, so she inspired me as well to do alot more, because in first class (On art school i attend) she was already better then the ones that were preparing to do maturity tests. So I am glad to see someone else trying to reach their dreams. ( Sometimes I just can't write short texts in English, it's terrible )

And thanks for your suggestion, I actually wanted to resize them, but there were so many. So doing it single by single image would be anoying. Will definitely resize them next time :)
Playing with sculptris - My first sculpt, I think I learned alot. I used no reference.
[Image: Untitled1.png]
Dude, you're only 16? Keep it up, buddy! You're gonna do great things in no time.

Is that mad max's leather jacket? If it is, lol, you're awesome.

(08-03-2013, 02:45 PM)Rognoll Wrote: Dude, you're only 16? Keep it up, buddy! You're gonna do great things in no time.

Is that mad max's leather jacket? If it is, lol, you're awesome.
Yeah, thank you :)

Haha I don't know what kind of jacket it is, I literally typed Leather Jacket into google and this was the jacket i liked the most. (It's awesome jacket :D)
Unfortunatelly I did nothing in last 2 days, cause i were at my cousin. In meantime I atleast tried to render a sculpture i did. Rendered in cool program keyshot4. I like how realistic it looks.
[Image: d5cUntitled1.png]
Good stuff man! You are off to a great start! To me it looks like you are on the right track, keep em coming!

(08-05-2013, 07:50 AM)Eraiasu Wrote: Good stuff man! You are off to a great start! To me it looks like you are on the right track, keep em coming!

Thanks, I hope so :) I might also try to do more stuff from my imagination O:)

Quick study, I also did some app icon designs for my cousin, so this study is not polished as it coul'd be.
[Image: 33.png]
Again nothing, because of these.
Went on trip at Pustevny mountains. Next time i should bring a sketch book :D
[Image: DSC0136.jpg]
Some more.
[Image: Mhmm.png]
[Image: 34.png]
Well, here's some more. Also i've been doing some graphic things for my cousin, so it's not as much stuff as it could be :)

[Image: fIAKV0.png]
Hope you can see it, my laptop display is .. well it's not good, it's quite bright.
[Image: Qib4qd.png]
[Image: MQhijt.png]
[Image: csklbL.png]
You are doing great, just plz descrease the size of the images in 1st post, they are too HUUUGEEEE :D

(08-28-2013, 03:05 AM)Matija Vuk Wrote: You are doing great, just plz descrease the size of the images in 1st post, they are too HUUUGEEEE :D

Thanks, I finally resized them.. I was thinking like.. well on bigger display it's gonna be same size as on my little display, I didn't realize that the browser'll resize it for the bigger display as well. :D Such a failure.
Haven't been posting anything lately, because my school has started. I am prety bussy drawing there and I don't have good enough camera to post my school stuff here :D But now we have holidays and i could do some digital paintings after a while.. It's mostly just doodleing, I did while I was listening to an audiobook.
So here's a smaller update.
[Image: 5l5AdC.png]
[Image: i7H8GL.png]
[Image: FkROAp.png]
[Image: wcY6Yv.png]
[Image: 3UOutT.png]
only 16 huh well your doing great so far. Draw from life more and use memory more, memorize anatomy. Maybe you can use 3d to sculpt what you learned.

you're killin it with those studies man! keep it up
(10-29-2013, 03:29 AM)vicluna Wrote: only 16 huh well your doing great so far. Draw from life more and use memory more, memorize anatomy. Maybe you can use 3d to sculpt what you learned.

Well, i draw from live in school, busts and models etc. And when i've theoretical subjects i draw from memory :D... The last sketches are from my memory. But thanks for your advice, I appreciate it :)
Some more.
[Image: 45.png]
[Image: 46.png]
[Image: 47.png]

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