Jon's Sketches
Hey guys, my names Jon and I'm really new to world of 2D art.
I'm going to be working as much as I can in my spare time to get better at painting and updating this sketchbook, I'm not going to lie I'm a little lost/overwhelmed by how much there is to learn and where to start but I figure as long as I'm drawing and actively trying to learn something I gotta get somewhere right.

But here's some stuff I have done so far, (sorry about the amount been a couple of weeks)

Any criticism/help is greatly appreciated.

Sorry about the scan quality, need to play with some settings I think.

[Image: scan0001.jpg]
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[Image: scan0011.jpg][Image: scan0012.jpg][Image: scan0013.jpg][Image: scan0014.jpg][Image: scan0015.jpg][Image: scan0017.jpg][Image: scan0016.jpg][Image: Life_Apple.jpg][Image: Study_03.jpg]
Ok so only a small WIP today, my first attempt at starting a colour painting. Getting tired so will finish this up tomorrow.

[Image: screenshot-lrg-01-1.jpg]
Hey, welcome! great start to your sketchbook, Hampton is a great way to break down anatomy, definitely stick with that! It can all be overwhelming but remember to just do one thing at a time, focus on your studies day to day, don't worry too much about the big picture - it will take care of itself!

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Hey great sketches so far. That overwhelming feeling is natural. Who wouldnt be overwhelmed by the thought of trying to learn realism? Shit Im getting dizzy just thinking about it. Yea, think about the day to day like Jonny said.

Thanks so much guys, it's strangely nice to know everyone is in the same 'overwhelmed' boat... however, probably not the best verb to be used with boat :P

Ok, so I spent a fair few hours on this and I eventually just started to move colours around without improving the image so I decided to stop for the night. Still think it's way off but I'm struggling to get the face to look right.

Looking back I need to get my values more accurate in the first block in of colours. If anyone's got any feedback I'm all ears :)

[Image: Study_04.jpg]

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