Orhia's Sketchbook

Finally I found the courage to start my sketchbook here. I started digital painting/drawing like 1.5 year ago with no drawing experience at all. I'll post some stuff from the beginning till now. Ok here goes, let's have a laugh :P

First few were just screwing around, painting from imagination and reference photo's, No clue yet on setting goals and such.

From this point I wanted to learn anatomy/drawing characters.

I bought the Alienthink drawing courses and was doing those for the next months untill I finished it, all traditional. I'll post a few lessons as an example (since it's quite some I won't post them, also because it's been a while)

When I finished the course I felt confident enough to pick up digital painting again and with the stuff I learned from the course I started doing some random object studies.

From here on I started to sort of organize my studies. My future goal is being able to draw/paint characters/environments so I started to split it up. My first 'checkpoint' is learning to draw/paint the face. Splitting that up in eye studies, mouth, nose etc etc. Between those I try to do portraits from movies still at least 1 per week (only got 3-4hours a day to study cause of my work (Working as a graphic designer by the way)

This one was a quick doodle from mind, just for fun and wanted to see what I was able to do.

Between these movie still studies I break down the face in parts and paint them a 100 times as a start. So far I got 100 heads and 100 noses.

So this is where I'm at now, I hope this way of studying will pay off in the upcoming months/years. If this way is a bad way of learning I'd love to hear that and adjust my way of learning.

Be honest, the first few faces (from the 100) we're so bad you had to laugh :P

Tried painting a portrait of my girlfriend.

I'm having troubles getting more depth in my paintings, getting the right proportions in is quite hard for me aswell, I know the ''rules'' but putting them on my screen is still a challenge.

I tried to ''fix'' the doodle/sketch with what I learned last week and turned out like this:

Really awesome studies! And you're right knowing the rules isn't the same as applying them to a painting. But nevertheless you have a very awesome portrait of your girlfriend! Maybe some more value studies will help you achieving the needed depth. Other than that, keep on the good work!

Thank you! :D

This one I made because I was a bit tired of doing studies and I wanted to make something by myself, so I consider this as my first ''original'' piece.

One thing that stands out above all else is the eyebrows! In every eyebrow piece... you have a great way of using them to enhance expression and emotion - well done you. Loving it. I have looked through your dA (watched, faved and all that jaz) and I am very keen and eager to see more from you!! You certainly have a talent and I can see wonderful things already and amazing things in your future. Keep up the wonderful work :) ~ Imogen

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Definitely seeing a big jump in improvement, so props for that. I tried the same approach you've got where I'd try drawing a body part repeatedly to try and improve bit by bit, but I found that process made my work look a bit clunky when I tried putting everything together.

I recommend a more holistic approach to portrait painting and just figure drawing in general: learn basic proportions for how the various elements of a figure work in unity, because no matter how well you render a leg or an arm, if you can't grasp how it should occupy space with regards to the rest of the figure, the drawing will ultimately look a little "off". Still though, excellent progress you're making, keep at it!

And as far as figure drawing resources, I recommend Stan Prokopenko's videos http://www.youtube.com/user/ProkoTV


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