Samarus learns to draw
Looks like you're on the right track! Keep it up, the improvements showing already :) Never stahpppp

Sup' guys?
Really gotta come here more often, so sorry D:
Egbu : Thanks man ! I'm glad you like it :) Yeah, as I said, it's a good advice I'll have to follow ! Will do man, thanks again :D
Pnate : Thanks man, means a lot to me :D I'll work even harder !

Anyway, I spent the last few weeks studying armes like a crazy person (good thing my pc can't handle games without burning cuz now I can't do anything but work my ass off). Also some faces and forms and hands, even if I still need to get back to studying some more Loomis.
Again, I'm sorry because all my studies are on paper which I can't upload right now, but I'm working on a big sketchbook update, so I hope that will make up for it.
Meanwhile I did some more spitpaints (but I kind of paused it as I don't feel good enough yet and it frustrates me a lot) and I just finished my last "piece" to try and tackle some of my worst weaknesses (namely : women face, women anatomy in general, colors, skin, fire, and some other random stuff.)
Okay, here it, hope you'll like :)

So the spitpaints : those are really great as I had to try new things to put my ideas as well as I could as accurately as I could. trying new things is great !

Viking marksman :

Strange visitor :

Weather demon v1 :


Red lanterns :

Ultrasonic :

War ghost :

Mutant mermaid :

Void creature !:

Sick creature (failed attempt) :

Sick creature :

And finally the sorceress !
I call it "I play with fire"



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