Hey hey hey!!
My name is Trystin and I am a 16 year old inspiring. Artist. I have taken just a simple high school art class my sophomore year, and that kind of helped me in my journey but I'm here to take this to the next level. I have also taken Graphic Design for 2 full years and currently on my third year, and I am also on my first year of doing a college preparation program for 3D modeling and animation. One of the reasons I am here is because I have been scowering the internet for some some tutorials or classes or something that can help me improve and become a better artist as well as hopefully get some of my work get seen when I produce something of good quality. Even though I am a fairly mediocre artist, I want to improve in not only 2D art, but as well as 3D art so I can have more of an opportunity for future jobs.

Hopefully I can improve from learning from some fantastic artists and I can walk away from Crimson Daggers as a better artist all around.
Hey Trystin (love that name),

Wow 16... and you have the world at your feet. I really look forward to seeing your work either on here (sketchbook) or on deviantART :) you sound like you really know where you want to head with your work and life and I wish you all the best. I really hope you enjoy your time here on Daggers.

Cya around ~mii

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Thank you! i really appreciate the support! and my devient art is http://doyalrobtics.deviantart.com/
I will definatly post things once i start making more things.
You're more than welcome and I'll check out your dA now :) and I look forward to you posting more :D ~mii

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 

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