Aspiring Digital artist
-Needs help learning Programs and Shortcuts
-Needs help learning to paint digitally
-Would like learn from all of you, and eventually join the masses of digital artists.

Hey guys, this is sails. I am excited to use this site as a learning block for my newly purchased Intous Pro. I aspire to create original digital art through photoshop CS6 and incorporate said art into my reference portfolio for oil painting and graphite drawing. However all art i create with my tablet will also be documented and used as album art, graphic art, wallpapers, ect. I would love to create animation, however i do not yet feel i have that skill set.

Style: Freelance, City, Indie, Thought Provoking, Architectural

Inspiration: Aragah, Supakitch and Koralie, Mr. Suicide Sheep Playlists, Full Metal Alchemist, Francisco Goya, and many more

Welcome Quilt, can't wait to see your work. If you haven't already, you'll be encouraged to create a sketchbook thread (you might also want to start one on if you have yet to do so).

If you have Skype, there is a study group started up by Istebrak ( ), you're more than welcome to message her (Istebrak.a , the one in Canada) or myself (Enigmasflame) on Skype, and one of us can add you to group.

The group is open and helpful for anyone that's seeking improvement, plenty of resources are shared and posted, and there is usually someone on if you need a critique.

Best of luck to you.
Hey welcome to Crimson Daggers.

I look forward to seeing your sketchbook... and are you on deviantART??

I'm sure you'll pick up skills and grow in no time. I look forward to seeing your journey.

Cya around ~mii

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