Token's Sketchbook....of sketches..
Hello all new Dagger here! Decided to start a sketchbook here and see if I can get you guys feedback and improve. Feel free to add me on Deviant art if you have one.

Annnnndddd here we go with the first study from yesterday. Hoping to draw more but my schedule blows!

[Image: anatomy_study_by_xxtokenxx-d4odnx0.jpg]
Just doing some late night sketching. Getting a pretty good handle on woman's anatomy but I need to practice more with males.

[Image: wip.jpg]
Its been a crazy week for me but finally got to give my tablet some quality time.
[Image: anatomystudy1.jpg]
Had some time during lunch at work to do a quick study. Trying to start studying different materials and different objects. Going to be experimenting with different techniques as well. Also my schedule is dying down some I am able to draw a lot more....YAY!!

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Working on a I, Robot screencap today.

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Sup all. Thought id do a little up date. Here is a study we did from the group CG and did some sketching around during lunch. Been seeing Star Wars around a lot lately so decided to sketch something.

[Image: octopus.jpg]
[Image: Study1.jpg]

[Image: GeneralGrevous.jpg]
Awesome man! I would pay more attention to value range, you seem to not be using it fully ( more blacks and whites I mean =) other then that your texture work is really nice... See you in the study group man! Keep it comin!
@Victor - You know your right. I couldn't figure out what I was missing on something but one of them looks to be what you said. Just something else I need to work on lol. Thanks for the comment!

Still keeping with it. Been motivated to draw something atleast everyday.

[Image: GeneralGrevous-1.jpg]
[Image: AnatomyStudy1-1.jpg]
[Image: PortraitStudy.jpg]
[Image: CaptainAmerica.jpg]
Here is my first portrait study in color. If anyone knows any good books on color theory please throw them out there!

[Image: AnatomyColorStudy2.jpg]
Just another update:

[Image: Octopuscreature2-1.jpg]
[Image: WomanWarrior.jpg]
So the values were bothering me on the Woman Warrior. Went back and made the values a little more noticable.

[Image: WomanWarrior-1.jpg]

Readjustment of the Octopus.

[Image: Octopuscreature2-2.jpg]

Some anatomy studies for today.

[Image: study-1.jpg]
[Image: study2.jpg]
Hey, nice work Token - I like how the woman warrior is coming along, adding colour? Those glowing tatoos can look cool :)

Nice other practice, keep up the good work!
You know I been thinking of adding color to it since the values are a bit better. Think I might do that today lol. This was just a quick drawing i did for some friends for woman's day. The glowing tattoo idedas I really love but I think I want to make the shapes a little more unique. Eh i dunno lol.
So I decided at lunch break to start adding some colors to the woman warrior. Alos change the idea for the tattoo. I still want it to have a glowing effect but not sure how I should go about doing it. Still experimenting with the layers. Had to get back to work so will be back at it later this evening.

[Image: WomanWarrior2.jpg]
Landscape study from yesterday.


Well lost my damn pen to my tablet and have to buy another....or just wait another week and buy the intuos 5 *sigh* anyway here is what I was working on when I had my pen.

[Image: Kick-Ass3.jpg]

Left eye is of and need to do a lot of refining but I FREAKING CAN"T...ah well. Ill be sticking to the sketchpad for awhile.
Finally got my tablet pen back! Did a lot of drawing traditional but pretty excited to get back to digital. Still going to sketch in the sketchbook though, its beginning to be good practice.

Here is a drawing I did for a friend. AKUMA!!

[Image: Akuma.jpg]
[Image: Akuma2.jpg]

Cloth and armor study

[Image: clothstudy.jpg]
[Image: armorstudy2-1.jpg]

Painting a dragon for a friend.

[Image: gagag1.jpg]

Decided to get in on the Blood Sport. Here is some sketches from yesterday. Still brainstorming.

[Image: BSdesign.jpg]
More Armor study. Really would like to get these metal sufaces down. Think I should have practice this one in gray scale. Either way I need to find a new place to draw and paint because my roommates cats are in heat and driving me FREAKING insane.

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Bird Study
A quick anatomy study before bed

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Another bird study

[Image: birdstudy2.jpg]

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