Token's Sketchbook....of sketches..
Portrait study

[Image: 541161_10150621011541167_601501166_95342...3568_n.jpg]
Hey, what up? I really enjoy your soft touch with the brush and not over blowing your value range. I think in some instances you could punch a few more darks, but that's easy to resolve. Structure, on the other hand, needs to be your major focus right now. If the structure is off no amount of brushwork is going to resolve that. Pick up on some linear studies of the face/body/anatomy, and really focus on how the features interlock and which planes are your primary concern.
Thanks for the advice Corey! Structure is for sure something I really need to improve on. Bought a couple book recently to help out with this supject. My plan is for everyday draw something of anatomy 100 times whether it be heads, torso, hands, etc (digitally and traditionally).
Wanted to have a lil fun today. Worked a little more on the portrait and just sketched around.

[Image: littlegirl.jpg]
[Image: armor.jpg]
[Image: workhogwizard.jpg]
[Image: Gorilla.jpg]
Working on hands in the sketchbook. At hand # 50 right now and will do 50 more today. Getting a basic understanding of the hand.

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[Image: IMAG0195.jpg]
[Image: IMAG0194.jpg]

Sketching for fun.

[Image: monstersketch.jpg]
[Image: monstersketch2.jpg]
[Image: monstersketch3.jpg]
Its been awhile since I been here so its time to update. Decided to step away from forums for awhile and just concentrate on a lot of things including art but I realized these forums is what fuel some of my inspiration. Glad to see everyone here still going strong.

Ill update with the most recent stuff since I have waaaaayy to much to post since the last update.

Started to study Loomis's method of drawing the figure and head but I never really enjoyed drawing this way to be honest. So I set out for other methods and kind of bring the best of the ones I like. I found the Reilly Method. I don't have examples of my sketches right now but with this method im starting to get a better understanding of the figure.

[Image: IMAG0210.jpg]
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Now for sketches and studies.

Started to apply the reilly method when doing these studies. The faces are no as spot on. Notice they a stretched quite a bit which is something i am working on fixing at the moment.
[Image: girl_with_the_dragon_tattoo_by_xxtokenxx-d4ygezx.jpg]
[Image: sketch3.jpg]
[Image: portraitstudy-3.jpg]

Here are some sketches and studies from this weekend.

[Image: Assassin.jpg]
[Image: sketch-1.jpg]
[Image: runner.jpg]
[Image: planesketch.jpg]
[Image: metalstudy.jpg]

Metallic surfaces can be very hard to render so I have been working on that. Now the pics I am working on for my porfolio.

[Image: FIGHT-1.jpg]
[Image: runner1.jpg]

Well thats it for now. Ill be sure to update soon. If you have any crits it would be appreciated!

Decided to go in a different direction with the last painting.

[Image: runner7.jpg]
Experimenting with some things

[Image: FIGHT-2.jpg]
[Image: metalstudy-1.jpg]

Sketches and studies
[Image: tell_me_im_pretty___wip__by_xxtokenxx-d51vlm9.jpg]
[Image: 248081_10150839564256167_1264423014_n.jpg]

Something i'm trying to finish
[Image: 560256_10150839486766167_601501166_10014...5056_n.jpg]
Been awhile since I been here! Been drawing more then ever but decided to get back active on all the forums i am apart of. Looking to push even further. Here are some recent studies, sketches, etc..

[Image: 76242_10151071159226167_1200487634_n_zps94966ff6.jpg]

[Image: 644034_10151070437071167_1602629711_n_zpsbb6bc8c7.jpg]

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[Image: dredd.jpg]

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Will be getting into doing some master studies this week. Hope everyone else has been doing well and making some great progress.

Another sketch

[Image: 564010_10151071392186167_238293090_n_zps02535c60.jpg]

[Image: IMAG0310.jpg]
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[Image: IMAG0326.jpg]

Sorry my camera BLOWS

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