Awynt's Moving Castle
How come I don't have a moving castle? Anyway, here are a couple comps. I had a third one that managed to somehow get saved over, but it looked too much like an existing DVD cover anyway, so no loss.

[Image: howlscomp1.jpg]

[Image: howlscomp2.jpg]

Will post more comps and some studies soon. Love!

Great so far, love her face, looking forward to more :)

Remember your poster/dvd dimensions!
A couple studies before bed.

[Image: HowlStudies1.jpg]

Another rough comp. I think I like this one.

[Image: howlcomp3.jpg]

Really cool! Be careful not make the poster too much just like a scene from the movie but more of a representation of it that makes people wanna see it. Love your style though!
I like how you are designing Sophie. I can see a Wizard of Oz influence. I always saw a connection between those two.

As far as crits go I'd like to see more happening in your comps. These all look pretty basic. I can see you did the feather study so you can include Howl, but I'm not seeing him in any of the comps. You may also want to include the castle, because it's too cool to ignore.

If this is a part of that scene where Sophie finds howl turning into a raven, then color is going to be a huge deal. It's a very oppressive scene meaning the environment has to dominate the comp. Here is a video that breaks down one oppressive composition.

Thanks for the crit!

I was planning on including just Howl's wing in the comp. I'm thinking a small painting of the castle will go in the upper right corner. I don't want it too cluttered, I like it kind of simple.
Ha. I'm all over the place with this one. Another comp.

[Image: howlcomp4.jpg]

much more fitting for tone on this last one.


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