Primal Hero - Online Browser-based Monster Fighter
Happy Mechanics Monday people!

This week we have another video to show you all, and the good news is that it's something other than combat :D

We hope you guys like the video, our next update will be on Wednesday so stay tuned!

This week we're showing you guys the Earth Garuda Transmutation, Roceron!

We hope you like it, thanks everyone for following and liking our pages, keep up the support :)

[Image: Garuda-Evolution-Release_-Earth.png]

Happy Lore Friday everyone!

This week we're revisiting the journal of Radigan, the Archmage's Assistant, where he tells us a little more about the mysterious portal we saw last week.

Next update is on Monday so we'll see you then :)

[Image: Radigan_Journal_2.png]

Hey Everyone,

We are sorry to say that we do not have a mechanics update for you today. It has been a very tough week of school for Seth, so that has taken all of his attention to get through. That being said we are happy to announce that we have decided on January 9th to be the opening date of our Kickstarter! Please share our game around with your friends so we can get enough hype to make this Kickstarter happen and to especially make this game happen :)

Make sure to tune in on Wednesday for the new Primal, and on Friday for the story update. Things are really heating up in Archaeis.

Happy Primal Wednesday everyone!

Today we're showing you the Zephyrus, the wind element transmutation of the Drakken. As a tank, the Zephyrus has some physical defense to back him up if his evasion isn't enough to avoid an attack. On top of that he'll be able to dish out a pretty hard physical hit.

Thank you all for the new likes on our Facebook page, we love seeing all the support. See you all on Friday for another Lore Friday update!

[Image: Drakken-Evolution-Release_wind.png]

Happy Lore Friday!

This week we bring you another comic that goes deeper into the storyline and things are starting to really heat up between the Scarlet Blades and the Azure Guard. Make sure to come back and see what happens in our next story reveal.

Also, on a side note, thank you everyone so much for getting us to 300 likes on our Facebook page, it truly means a lot to us. Now let's see that 300 turn to 400 :)

[Image: Mainstory3.png]

Hey Everyone, Forrest is back from his workshop and Seth has graduated with his Bachelor’s degree. Which means nothing but sweet, sweet Primal Hero development. Be looking forward to a lot of screen shots and game footage as we kick it in to gear in the weeks leading up to the kickstarter.

For today, we’re going to play a little bit of catch up and show our last Mechanics Monday and Primal Wednesday updates as well as some lovely pictures of us working hard on our game.

Synergy system

As you and your Primals grow stronger together, you learn to capitalize on their strengths in combat and use those strengths to devastating effect. In the game, this is represented through Synergy points. As you level up your hero you will gain Synergy Points that can be placed into either Physical, Magical, or Agility Synergy. Placing points in these categories will give you access to various Perks that enhance your Primals’ performance in combat.

[Image: synergy_mockup.png]

Varunar, the Water transmutation of the Garuda

As a striker, the Varunar will dish out magic damage and be difficult pin down to return fire. As a support, the Varunar will be ideal against bosses that use a lot of Area of Effect abilities. The Varunar will be able to heal his team mates while hopefully avoiding the enemy attacks all together.

[Image: Garuda-Evolution-Release_-Water.png]

We apologize for the delay in updates but we want to make it up to you all. Within the next few weeks leading up to our Kickstarter launch we want to show you all an abundance of in-game screenshots and gameplay footage. Thanks everyone so much for your continuous support.

[Image: picsofus.png]

Today we’re showing you the Nemerian. This is our first release of a non-starter Primal AND of a Normal element Transmutation! By keeping this primal in its Normal element, the Nemerian is well equipped to be a physical tank with its natural increases in pDefense and mDefense. The Nemerian holds true to its mythological inspiration in being able to soak up damage.

[Image: Nemean.png]

For months and months we've been working on Primal Hero and finally our kickstarter has been launched! I'll post some of the work I've done for it in the last month or two below, but here's the link to the Kickstarter:

--> Kickstarter <--

[Image: kickstarter-slime.png]

[Image: Charactercreation.png]

[Image: Drakken-Evolution-Release_Earth.png]

[Image: Promotional-Illustration1.png]

Primal Hero is a monster taming, training, and fighting MMORPG in the works. Inspired by previous monster fighters such as Digimon.

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