Hey all, my name is Gabriel, i'm 21 years old and i come from Brazil.

I've been talking to some great artists, trying to get my art better, ready to the market.
They suggested me to come to this site, because you ppl would give me good critiques and help me see the way to improvement.

This is my online portfolio:


Tell me what you think of it! There's a lot of game related stuff, that's because i'm studying Digital Games on University.

Looking forward to get better! Thumbs_up
Welcome to Crimson Daggers Gabriel :D

Hey Gabriel, welcome to CD!

Be sure to join in on the community ~ try to help others and you'll be looked after in return c:

Keep pushing no matter what, draw on the bus, on the train, between classes... do what you've gotta do to get better!

Mmm... dat Giselle Bünchen drawing... :D

Hope to see you 'round!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Hey ppl, sorry for taking so long, but i expected to receive an email when replied to.

thanks for your attention, i'll be sure to try and add something to the community!

also i'll be checking out your sketchbooks to give you some feedback too (;

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