Pat's sketchbook
Percival, nice improvement. Your portrait drawings are getting better. One area you need to watch is your value structure. For the most part, a lot of your portraits do not have a great value change from shadow to light. I am mainly seeing shadows and half tones but no lights and high lights. You could push it a little more to really emphasize the facial structures. Also something to keep in mind is how your values shift in relationship to the light source. So if your light source is hitting more of the upper portion of the face, the lower portion would be slightly darker in relationship because its getting less light (minuus reflected light).

(02-24-2015, 04:58 AM)yog joshi Wrote: Percival, nice improvement. Your portrait drawings are getting better. One area you need to watch is your value structure. For the most part, a lot of your portraits do not have a great value change from shadow to light. I am mainly seeing shadows and half tones but no lights and high lights. You could push it a little more to really emphasize the facial structures. Also something to keep in mind is how your values shift in relationship to the light source. So if your light source is hitting more of the upper portion of the face, the lower portion would be slightly darker in relationship because its getting less light (minuus reflected light).

You're right,

This lack of values is something I get alot from my peers, I'll paint with a more variariety of values from now on. This has to do with my comfort zone wich is boring grey flat use of values.

Anyways, spent another hour on this dude. Worked mostly on the eyes, after a while I felt like I was polishing a turd, gues I'll have to read a book or something on this subject.

Starting on a new one tomorrow with a more variariety of values ofcourse.
Time to get rid of these flat paintings!

Have a great day!

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Another ordinary portrait study.

Right now I'm trying to nail the values by eye, looking at the reference photo.
Getting the values just right was my main goal for when painting this.

I'm not really sure if the values are right so I'll put the original reference photo on grayscale and correct/ learn from mistakes made.

The next step would be making the edges smoother so it will look better overal

Have a good one!

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A portrait study of a buisnessman.

I worked on my posture, sitting up straight while working.
Also aimed for more acurate lines, akward feeling when painting with the tablet.
Gotta get rid of that.

Gotta keep working at it.

Have a good day!

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Didn't post anything lately because I've been mainly doodling coming up with new ideas. Trying to get a better sense on form and structure.

Why not see if it helped my digital art?

So I made this in photoshop without reference, using some new aproach. Kinda like it.
I'll keep this up for sure, and yea I know it looks pretty flat I'll work on that aswell.

Expect more portraits in the future!
Have a great day!

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So this took me about 3 hours to paint without reference.

Using my gut feeling to make it look "good" going back and forth between different aproaches.
Don't realy love the end result to be honest.

Have a good one!

Immediately after the previous post I loaded up a photo and painted this with reference.

It looks like it was done by a completely different guy I gues the main thing I noticed it the balance between light and dark values in the painting wich is lacking in the one I've done from imagination.

In the future I'll balance the light and dark values out, see if that gets me anywhere.

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From Imagination

I'm satisfied with the overall picture but need more detail like in the eyes, lips, nose etc...
Gotta focus more on how to paint the details in the future.

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Portrait study with reference.

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Value studies, eyeballing where the light is supposed to hit the face.

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Its probably been a while since I posted anything new. Mainly because of lazyness. Mostly been doing sketching.

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A lot of these portraits have a very nice energy to them. However, you should seriously consider the criticism aforementioned with values. I struggle with this as well. Think about how the light will hit the object, and try to view the face as a piece of still life. Consider skull studies and asaro heads as well. Try to understand how the skull sits in space and how the planes sit on the basic structure of the skull. Additionally understand how to shade basic objects from various light sources. Try to find patterns and try to be able to replicate those patterns onto those simple objects with various light sources from memory.

Then, once you have the planes of the skull memorized by rote or by testing and fixing along with a basic understanding of light, try tackling portraits with reference and try to apply what you've learned. What I found has been helping me out a lot recently is if I push the core shadow (the second darkest dark of the shadow family, behind the occlusion shadow) located in between the light and shadow family to be a little darker. This tends to give my portraits a little more solidity.

This is honestly something I should do as well. Cheers!
Alright so I cleaned this up a bit.

Using a different technique for now on, might be on to something here.
I'm basicly croshatching instead of painting abstract shapes to shade the piece.

I used to paint these blocks of values then trying to connect them somehow using a broad brush but  looking at the previous post I realise that only gets me so far. That technique probably has a time and place though.

I like painting like this alot more !
It feels more like I'm pulling from my drawing skills wich makes the entire process more enjoyable.

Planning to work on this for a couple more hours. Maybe get into some fun stuff like skin texture or making the hair look cooler.

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This time I blendend abit more in comparison to the last post

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I'm not planning on painting from reference all my life so I've painted some portraits without reference.
Mainly drawing from my gut feeling.

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The first image is with reference.

Learned some minor things about light and form. Mainly while working on the nose and the jawline.

Second without reference.

Learned a bit more about how to construct & relate planes consisting of different values ranges.

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