Would you like to come up and see my etchings?
This is great stuff. That armor on the previous page looks sexy :D And I love those more refined life drawings. Great light and shadow work there :)

Thanks fellas!

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more figures, last three are from life

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Nice anatomy studies you have there, can't wait to see new progress. Good job!
Nothing to say more, but the last one is awesome :)

Angeliq and Spolyk thanks for stopping by! You both do great work by the way :)

Not much to show. Just trying to absorb Frazetta's figure design sense. Im done with the month of Watts drawing courses. I plan to sign up for the painting courses in a few months. Im just working on getting more supplies and getting a handle on how to use them first. I want to start doing black and white gouache studies soon. In the mean time i'll keep reviewing the pdfs I got from Watts and doing these little drawing from memory/ imagination sketches.

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damn man! you are like a steam train!! keep it up :D
That Frazetta style is really working out! Keep going in that direction man!

Did you manage to go through all the material from Watts in a month? With enough time to absorb and practice it? I'm thinking to give it a go in a few months when I've finished Hampton.

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Those Frazetta style drawings are awesome! Keep up the great work.
Hey Hypmagogic! nice studies of anatomy buddy! You are doing great! About the info for gouache that you asked in my sketchbookpage, the tips that i give to you is the same that i told there:
( sorry for copy and paste hehe) > " I loved work with gouache! Gave me a lot of trouble to understand that we need to think before we paint!! Like you all know, we are all used to go and paint really quickly, and make mistakes, and use alot of Ctrl+z, but with traditional midia, you realize that you can't make mistakes every time, you dont have time to correct every single of them, it sucks! hahaha
So... i learned more about thinking than painting! The process is equal in the computer, make a great line art, do some basic colors, add some shadows and after that put some lights and boom! Also pure black and pure white has a great power to pop out some areas! At least for me, this is what I have to say about my experience guys :) I super recommend! " And the Winston and Newton is the best paper! ( that is what my teacher said haha) and I agree ^^
I look forward to see your experiments with gouache!

Thanks, JyonnyNovice & maggie!

Rosolino thanks for the advice! Im gonna start with some simple value scales this weekend and see how it goes. I've heard gouache can take some getting use to.

More head studies, life drawing and Frazetta's.

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more stuff

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that is the saddest codpeice.

Really amazing improvements since page 1- keep em commin'!

Thanks Aether! More life drawing, master studies of Frazetta and Leyendecker and Dynamic Drapery by Hogarth.

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Oh man! Your drawings got really good!

You improved a lot, the only thing what i would recommend ist to keep it up!

Wow great amount of work and determination. Those anatomy studies are already paying off.
Keep up the good work mate and seeing such a hardworker you are , I am pretty sure you will :)

Thanks for taking a look at my drawrings and the words of encouragement fellas!

Was kind of a slow week for drawing. I did some gouache scales and messed around with rendering basic forms. I'll upload that when I have more to show. For now heres this weeks life drawing session.

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Great progress on the last pages, Adam! Your hard work with all those studies is really paying off, I like the sketches with pencil and white a lot! I'm also curious about your gouache studies (: The latest lifedrawings are looking good, I really like the legs of the first one, all in all I think they have good volume. Only little thing I'd crit is, when you do the white highlights, you could try to follow the underlying form a little more, it will add a bit of volume as well, if they are too straight it will look a bit too flat (for example in the first one the shin), or on the second pic, on her thigh, I would have made the curvature the other way round.
Keep up the great work! (:


Thank you very much for the crit, Cyprinus! I knew something was messed up but couldnt see it.

I've been kinda in a rut lately. Havnt posted in over 2 weeks. I've been slowly doing some gouache here and there and slacking on my drawing. Last nights life drawing I realized how rusty I've been getting. Trying to learn painting while keeping my drawing skills up is a real juggling act. On top of work and the holidays, I've been feeling down in the pits. Lots of excuses, I know! I'm turning over a new leaf from today on. No more slacking off.

I've got a few small gouache thingies to show. I started a page of asaro heads I was planning on painting in a new "mixed media" sketch book but the pages werent as sturdy as I thought. These copic knock-off markers I got bled right through the page too. What a waste of 12 bucks :(

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