Happily Ever After (Critique needed)
OK, so I am completely dissatisfied with this piece. Something is seriously bugging me about it...I think it's the composition...maybe. Shoes are just so awkwardly shaped. Between that and then struggling to figure out how to paint glass (got some great feedback on that already), this piece is seriously kicking my ass. Feedback desperately needed!

[Image: HappilyEverAfter_progress_10.jpg]

look really good so far. not that i know anything but the shoe on the right is a lot more believable that the one on the left. i would find a slipper or heel, w/e and lie it down in the same position, and figure out the form. anyways that face! great anatomy/ expression!
Thanks, Driesty! Yeah, I think there might be something off with the perspective for the shoe on the left...

The anatomy is perfect, but I think they could benefit a lot by more contrast and/or more tone variation.

I think this could help a lot http://navate.deviantart.com/art/SKIN-a-...-145159387

Anyway, it's looking excelent.

Ooooh, great tutorial! Thanks!


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