Howdy yall.

I'm Rick, 21.36 years old (that is inaccurate..) hoping to improve my artwork with all of you beautiful people!

Shall be starting my sketchbook/study thread soon and hopefully will start streaming at some point. I would love to get some fellow daggers on skype if you wish to accompany me (I personally find the discussions helpful while working).

Until then you can check out my work at rickhowardart.com and my blog at rickhowardblog.tumblr.com. These will both be updated a lot more frequently now along with the sketchbook thread as I am PUMPED with motivation.

My 3 targets for the year are:
  • Lose around 6 stone (weight...not rocks)
  • Assemble a completely new, more professional looking portfolio
  • Start taking freelance jobs or achieve a more relevant art job

I have broken these targets down monthly and have worked out schedules for my days so I'm hoping this is all achievable within a year.

Cheers, cant wait to be pushed forward and push others forward, this is truly a brilliant idea.

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