Janos´ Sketchbook
Little Environment study from yesterday

Honestly the day need more than 24 hours !...i wish I hade more time to do all studies on a daily basis...

Doing a study everyday from every topic you like would be so good....

Yeah still so much more to learn...I could work for more hours on that..

was much much fun !

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today portrait/value study

was soooooo much fun but really have to become faster :)

have a good one everybody

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Some 2 min gestures

Im playing with the approach of actually drawing them

Im doing them on a daily basis as my warm up for the day

need to get faster !

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Just a little quick skin study

the last two month were pretty busy for me...

I still was drawing everyday as much as I could

had nothing good to show

I do a lot of pen & paper drawings

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some sketches from yesterday

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Some sketches I did for a painting I planned to do..Thing is im not good at painting/rendering with color

also my visual library is kinda small...i have to make much more studies on a daily basis

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I visit my first watercolors class today. It was pretty cool.

We had a reference landscape picture to paint.

After we painted it, we had to do one quick in 5 min without reference.

I really became more relaxed. After that I did 2 without reference and one complete different. Each in 20 min.

Ding 6 hours...time flys by like always :P

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Hey there that's some sweet watercolours you got going! Like how you've utilized the medium and getting to colours to flow real nicely, not easy to do, you have a knack for it so keep going!
Good thing to get more relaxed aswell. In your comments for that skin study you mentioned that you need to get faster, but don't worry, take your time. You'll get faster in no time if you keep going. Once you learn and truly understand stuff like saturation, light and bounce light it will just naturally go faster you know.
Little bit of advice is that squinting is nice when doing such skin studies, cause it's easy to miss the subtle shifts in value and to forget how dark some parts really are. Keep at it!

Small speed painting for the night WIP

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Hey there !

Create new/good habits thats my goal for the new year.

At university we got exam time so we got so much stuff to do.

I try to paint everyday besides all homework :) I sketch a lot with markers and pen when im on public transport or in class :P

The most of this pictures are Copic marker sketches.

Until next time :) !

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Im happy that I have 2-3 h a day time to paint. I got so much stuff to finish for the university.

When I paint Im only using 1 Layer no undo and I try not to use more than two default brushes.

I want to learn painting the traditional way.

So much more to learn about painting!

It´s so much fun.

Hope to produce constantly more work.

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Small sketchbook-page

started to study the Burne Hogarth books

it is really interesting how he uses the "S" curve

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time to go back to the basic´s
I feel like swimming around...knowing nothing..
Like if I have no plan...

I have to work my ass off..

so I start new with foundation

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hey hey

I was pretty busy today..

so I just started a portrait...

I will render it tomorrow :)

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today :)

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next one :) need to work harder

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I need more time to wooooork aaaaaaaaaaaargh

tried some 120 sec faces....their look horrible ...>.< so much more stuff to do

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Hey there

im still really busy cause of my industrial design curriculum.

I decide to show all of my sketchbook stuff and all small digital things I tried the last weeks/month.

So here my little fails.

I hope I will have more time to paint soon.

work work work !!!

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Hey hey still busy :(( try to do my own stuff as much as I can.

Have sooo much homework to finish first !!!

Here some stuff from design class.

We had to take a famous person and had to simplify his/her face.

Build a model with foam.

As you can see I chose Abraham Lincoln.

And than we had to made a product out of it.

I made everything in 4 day´s without sleep.

Was fun and I became a bit stronger ;)

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back to basic´s :)

currently working through scott R. How to render

really need to get this stuff  !!!

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