Clarisse's sketchbook
Ben and Amit, thank you so much guys! <3

I hate to admit this, but I realize that almost every painting I render lacks of planning on an early stage, because (and I know this is not good) I tend to be very "loyal" to the first image that comes into my head and just skip the thumbnails and the color sketches, etc; In this case, this idea just popped into my mind out of the blue and I just started to do it like I imagined it in the first place, without experimenting any different varitions. I screwd up, I should've tried more variations, should've made more sketches but oh well, I guess we also learn from mistakes.

Anyway, I finished this before reading your comments, because I only saw them this morning and I finished this yesterday's evening. However, everything you both said makes perfect sense to me, is just the kind of advice and motivation I was looking for and I will have all those things in mind when I get to paint again.

Thank you again guys, this means a lot to me! :D

Here is the final (in a more reduced size)

[Image: 6DDZEcWl.jpg]

More stuff from the sketchbooooook!
Aww Mah Gawd, almost finishing the sketchbook, 5 months to fill a sketchbook, what a shame D:

Trying not to be a weirdo while sketching on the train:

[Image: wAiulFil.jpg?1]

[Image: 3XsErvPl.jpg?1]

[Image: 0iuE9Mhl.jpg?1]

[Image: apJgpCDl.jpg?1]

[Image: XISs5VQl.jpg?1]

Jana Schirmer wanna be D:

[Image: Sak09iWl.jpg?1]

[Image: T89EnyGl.jpg?1]

[Image: JbH74OUl.jpg?1]

[Image: KHuwyKbl.jpg?1]

[Image: 6J8c6Fsl.jpg?1]

Some expressions for a character Im developing. I've been struggling a lot with making every sketch to look like the same person despite the expression and angle of view. I would really really love some advice (and critique) on this D:

[Image: 6tPLctZl.jpg?1]

[Image: Nm9KwTXl.jpg?1]

[Image: U57SSOAl.jpg?1]

[Image: IBmdCMul.jpg?1]

[Image: Tvt8OAil.jpg?1]

[Image: Nanabhhl.jpg?1]

[Image: FaGBQfwl.jpg?1]

Another character, same problem D:

[Image: CvoygsGl.jpg?1]

Some figure study and some Wesley Burt studies

[Image: pYm6oVTl.jpg?1]

Trying to apply from photo reference
[Image: OZdTzmnl.jpg?1]


[Image: I8rutPKl.jpg?1]

[Image: g2o5bAXl.jpg?1]

[Image: NmdkemDl.jpg?1]

[Image: gnVGE7jl.jpg?1]

[Image: bC9PiUcl.jpg?1]

[Image: YoU77Knl.jpg?1]

[Image: qzYY55yl.jpg?1]

[Image: NxDd6Zhl.jpg?1]

An unifinished still life
[Image: vskkJAIl.png]

A still life with a spoon and a lemon
[Image: FIE9DPgl.png]

A masterstudy after Zorn
[Image: oBtQ1LCl.jpg]

Quick masterstudy after Sargent
[Image: 2Pbzykol.png]

And the last one I've made, after Craig Mullins
[Image: GNtgOa1l.png]

Portrait entirely from imagination. Tried to push it as far as I could. Would love some critique on this, and also, on how to apply what you've learned from studies (or think you learned D: ) to your own imagination work; because many times when I paint and try to remember what I've learned with studies I've made, I dont feel like I'm doing rational, smart decisions, everything feels very intuitive and I never know "why" is that color there and not someplace else; and because of this, I end up re-painting certain areas many times, which makes me think that actually I know nothing about the theory of color and light.
Also, how is your approach on a painting entirely from your imagination? Do you start with a rough sketch that is not going to show itself that much on the final? Do you do a very accurate linework beneath the whole painting? Do you simply start with strokes of color? Or you start in black and white?
Sorry if I sound too desperate, but well, that's me.

[Image: 8qP6yUFl.jpg]

Felt like copying some of Wesley Burt's drawings (again). Damn I wanna have those sweet lines so much D:

[Image: u6DqD35l.jpg]

[Image: 91k8J4Rl.jpg]

[Image: 1NVjVvrl.jpg]

[Image: nGEyO4Dl.jpg]

Some doodles of Monsieur Baguette ^^

[Image: Ykmojxul.jpg]

Some quick figures with indian ink, gotta do more D:

[Image: SR0FwYAl.jpg]

[Image: ErswPFel.jpg?1]

[Image: csm0S3Tl.jpg?1]

[Image: 1v0SeTVl.jpg?1]

[Image: 5quTbNsl.jpg?1]

[Image: hjNa2UPl.jpg?1]

A study after an illustration by one of my favorit artists, Karla Ortiz. I guess I could have pushed forward, I'll probably remake it someday

[Image: zCvoCCxl.jpg]

Something from imagination. Blherhgnhngh D:

[Image: RchxXiOl.png]

And a masterstudy after Sargent. I think I could have also pushed it further... and that face >_<

[Image: VuWog3Nl.png]

Hello, just discovered this gem, Monsieur Baguette looks pretty neat and a lot of your illustrations look comfy :)

Such lovely train sketches and clean lines! how do you get that level of neatness on the train?

also I know the feeling of looking like a weirdo when out sketching, no matter what it's always nerve racking at first, hands are always rushing trying to not make eye contact lol.
@crackedskull -  Awww thank you so so  much! ;_;  To be honest, I dont feel confortable doing any of those things yet, I feel such a noob each time I try to paint. Anyway, makes me very happy to know that you appreciate my stuff! :D *blushes*

@Mylqin - Thank youuu! Actually, I dont think that my train sketches look that clean ahaha, maybe its from the photo.  Each time I try to draw on the train (its very rare), I try to seize the scarce moments when the train is more still to sketch some people. Also, I always make sure they're distracted by something or sleeping, is less likely that they notice me and they stand stilll for a good while. I'm glad you like my sketches, thank you very much! :D

More stuff from the sketchbook. Damn expressions D:

[Image: elrfsVjl.png?2]

[Image: Ku5wzARl.png]

[Image: bxpV0FWl.png?2]

[Image: fyqB3jwl.png]

[Image: cyRjM55l.png?1]

[Image: H3gary9l.png?1]

Sketching on the beach

[Image: tPoPfXul.png?1]

And a derp self portrait with mirror. I look so friendly, lol

[Image: AkXassyl.png]



You said your heads lack of construction in the last page, try to look at Loomis's books and you will start to realize some construction points while drawing to check if everything is ok.

I would say to start with black and white first, trying to get the values right. If the values are wrong the painting won't be good with colors.

Experiment a few process. Start one with lines, make a shadow map, put these darks and then lights.
Start another one with paint, no lines. Put the big masses first and then refine.

Hope I can help :)

@iamorim  - Thanks! :)   I've already studied through Loomis but yeah, maybe it is in fact a good time to get back to it.  Concerning to painting, I usually start with color right away, and maybe that's why the final result is not that good, have to try more often to put down the values first. However, each time that I put down the values first, in black and white, after doing it, I always feel kinda lost on how to move on to painting; I mean, do you reduce the opacity in the value layer and then apply color on top? Or do you apply a color balance in the value layer to put it in the general tone of your painting and then, from that, you continue painting on top? D:

Anyway, thanks again, your suggestions and reminder to get back to Loomis were very helpful! :D

Aaaah why am I always so lazy to post D:

Anyway, here's what I've been doing:

Some stuff from the sketchbook
[Image: CoacebOl.jpg]
[Image: CGJvwa6l.jpg]
[Image: Q0DkhhHl.jpg]
[Image: Xes0G2Il.jpg]
some gestures from imagination
[Image: YZq1KmUl.jpg]
[Image: TczeP2ql.jpg]
[Image: mJIH94ll.jpg]
More stuff from the sketchbook aka procrastination all the time omfg
[Image: 9QQmUXwl.jpg]
[Image: 4Py5NEZl.jpg]
[Image: 3Mj4cyJl.jpg]
[Image: uPJxsmRl.jpg]
[Image: T12UsYHl.jpg]
[Image: rMLo9iZl.jpg]
[Image: jtjdZOwl.jpg]

Some traditional studies, apart from these, I've also been doing 1 minute gestures and gestures from imagination
[Image: bFX4Ignl.jpg]
[Image: xDJkygWl.jpg]
[Image: A2TZeLMl.jpg]
[Image: 6jFm0Nml.jpg]

And some digital studies

[Image: WZubWzWl.png]
[Image: z7VCKoLl.png]
[Image: 8HSnkvml.jpg]
[Image: ZHkpdihl.png]
Some face sketches for a character of mine
[Image: GqfDbwCl.jpg]

An experiment, trying to make it look like an old photo
[Image: jwbheXIl.jpg]

Also, I've been trying to do some finished work. This is so painfull urgh

Picked up one of CHOW's themes (modern witch/wizard), still on progress 
[Image: MseeNIYl.jpg]

This one I started painting randomly and I've been improvising all along and tried to create something cool. I guess. Its not finished yet though
[Image: hRG7jU4l.png]

Also, I've been doing some concept art for my characters and tried to do something polished and take it as far as I could. The amount of time these took me is surreal, really. I think they're already finished, although I might still
do some touch-ups. Advices and critiques are very very welcomed! :)

[Image: nb76DCk.jpg]

[Image: 43wW7Gx.jpg]


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