Setah's Sketchbook
Hello everyone and welcome to my little sketchbook. I aim to post any work I do here so I can track my progress and maybe receive feedback (if any of you will be so kind to provide it, of course!). I am 19 years old and a game art student at the HKU in the Netherlands. Feel free to tear my pieces apart if need be, but do try to include some advice aswell, I really do need some guidance with this stuff, haha.

Alright, enough blabbering, here is some of my recent work! While I do have digital stuff nothing recent is really worth posting, but I'll definitely be posting digital work in the future!

Life drawing:

These were of my first and second time life drawing with a (nearly) nude model a couple of weeks ago, it's definitely something I am going to try to keep doing, but unfortunately my school doesn't offer it right now.

[Image: 7cnd.jpg][Image: hjsj.jpg]
[Image: rd9r.jpg][Image: zdob.jpg]

[Image: o3k2.jpg][Image: 0mpz.jpg][Image: czq2.jpg]
[Image: yq2b.jpg][Image: nqhc.jpg]

[Image: 9hf1.jpg][Image: xhmb.jpg][Image: rhfg.jpg]

Some work I did for a short course about making a piece with traditional media (sorry for the bad pictures):
[Image: iiyx.jpg][Image: ddbl.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_mzitz2OrN11s28t53o1_r1_1280.jpg]
(final design)
[Image: 37u9.jpg]
(it wasn't finished and the overall result is kinda crappy, but it was the first time trying to implement a character into a setting and drawing them with a background. I know the design is kinda generic, but I really wanted to do a badass pirate lady, haha. It was really fun to do, especially since I mostly work digitally.)

And to finish it off, my first study out of Andrew Loomis' figure drawing for all it's worth:
[Image: mtrj.jpg]

Thanks for watching!
[Image: kx29.png]
After watching Istebrak's livestream I decided I am going to start with the 14 day portrait challenge! Here is day 1. Feedback would be greatly appreciated, it'll help a lot!
I did some gesture drawings to warm up, going to practice heads next

45 sec:
[Image: d3y6.jpg][Image: 489h.jpg][Image: 3w0j.jpg]
2 minutes:
[Image: wjlz.jpg][Image: zuvf.jpg][Image: f1hj.jpg]
[Image: nrcz.jpg]
1 hour landscape study, it's my first try at one in ages, haha. It's a bit sloppy, I need to do these more often
[Image: nfcp.png]
Day 2 of the 14 day portrait challenge, I got some really good feedback and while I think some stuff improved a tiny little bit, I'm not sure if I'm going to stay on the smoother brush. It just feels a bit off to me. I don't like the structure of the face as much either, going to try and work on that a bit more next time aswell.
Today's gesture drawings, only 3 120 second ones, the others are 45 seconds (I didn't do many of them, got home late and my concentration was absolutely horrid so I moved on to the environment):
[Image: 3r3k.jpg][Image: 05hb.jpg]
[Image: 8bpv.jpg][Image: bx7z.jpg]

[Image: jwy9.png]
Did another environment study and this time I spent a lot more time on it! I'm having a hard time tackling them but they are very satisfying. I could've cleaned it up a lot better and added more texture, but it's 1 am and I'm quite tired from spending all day at school so I'll call it a day.
I won't be updating digitally for a bit, my drawing tablet just broke (Even after all the issues with the intuos 4 they still manage to give the intuos 5 crappy usb ports). I'll try and keep the traditional stuff coming every day though! I had a nice drawing class today, unfortunately I left that work at my appartement so I won't be able to upload it. So yeah. Haha
[Image: tumblr_n0pd00kXFe1ts9446o2_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_n0pd00kXFe1ts9446o1_1280.jpg]
I finally got around to doing some head anatomy studies, I didn't do nearly enough today but tomorrow I'm going to try and get up early to do more work! Going to start on hands and feet soon, as I always end up avoiding them, haha.
[Image: tumblr_n0qtpvmiKC1ts9446o1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_n0qtpvmiKC1ts9446o2_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_n0qtpvmiKC1ts9446o3_1280.jpg]

I finally got started on feet today! I never knew how they work, so it was about time I started studying them, haha xD I still need quite some work on it (need to see how they more and all), but I'm glad I finally made a start!
Your second portrait is way better in terms of brushwork but it lacks contrast.
Hope to see more creative work like the pirate lady soon !

All of this makes me remember that I need to get back to anatomy too !

(02-10-2014, 05:37 AM)Fincks Wrote: Your second portrait is way better in terms of brushwork but it lacks contrast.
Hope to see more creative work like the pirate lady soon !

All of this makes me remember that I need to get back to anatomy too !

Thank you! I still need to figure out a good balance when it comes to contrast, haha. I'll be doing more design work soon enough. Right now my tablet is busted, so I have to borrow one from school before I can work properly at home again, but when I get back to it I'll post it here for sure!
[Image: tumblr_n0r3u9UMJc1ts9446o1_1280.jpg]
Quick doodle before bed
I really really like drawing angels, haha
I haven't had the chance to draw much today, had to do a lot of moving around and didn't get home until just now (it's 10 pm now >:)

I did manage to catch a few people off guard in the train and doodle some more stuff on another train ride! It isn't much, but at least I did a tiny bit today, haha.

Some random people on the train:
[Image: tumblr_n0str8HnYh1ts9446o1_1280.jpg]

A few designs that came up in my head (I really want to try and look into doing more sci-fi designs, the stuff I usually do is very fantasy-ish and I'm most definitely interested in this kinda stuff aswell!)
[Image: tumblr_n0str8HnYh1ts9446o2_1280.jpg]
Did a portrait study at school today!
[Image: Black_widow.png]
Reference: [Image: scarlett_johansson_in_the_avengers-wide.jpg]

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, but it took nearly 3 hours ;w;
Sorry for the long pause! I've been doing some studies, but I'm not very happy with them because they're rather half-assed, I haven't found the time to properly sit down yet.

I did receive my new tablet, and decided to break it in with a fast little paint, nothing special and there's a LOT of things wrong with it, but it was nice to do ^^

[Image: 71r3E]

I'm sick at the moment, so I'm taking it easy, but I'm gonna try and get back on track next week!
[Image: 5hm2.png]
1 hour environment study
Finally laid off the colour picker, it was a really bad habit (and I knew it :/ )
[Image: quick_paint.png]
Quick paint before bed
[Image: tumblr_n1b4or9zHw1ts9446o1_1280.jpg]
Some design work for a tiny game me and two friends are working on.
I thought it'd be fun to post xD
[Image: 9rv8.png]
A little fighter Faun I worked on today, bit of a personal thingy to try out some stuff. The colours in the shading and the like suck a little, sorry for that. Only worked on her face a lot so far.
Hey Setah, a lot of nice things going on in here! Really like the badass nonderpy unicorn, feels like it's a more sarcastic version of the Robot Unicorn game that was popular a while back. Would be sweet to see it animated haha :P

And the faun fighter is looking sweet too! It shows a lot of potential if you wanted to work on it more. I think that if you want to improve the shading/colors on it, you just need to establish a more direct lightsource. The character doesn't really sit well with the background, even if it's just abstracted. Because I see some brighter fur on her legs and I can't really processes how it is effected by light ( I might be stupid too :D)

Hope that helps! Would be nice seeing imaginative work taken further and this one has potential! You're doing great:)


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