Hell Sketches
Here we go !
I start my sketches thread.

[Image: obsjp.jpg]
[Image: caillouobs.jpg]
[Image: obso.jpg]
[Image: obsvelasquez.jpg]
[Image: obstetedemec.jpg]
[Image: headbeard.jpg]

from life or photo
[Image: 8988758574246_obs2011.jpg]

and some random stuff
[Image: grosrr.jpg]
[Image: zombiei.jpg]
[Image: tetedecochon.jpg]
[Image: scarfacego.jpg]
[Image: meuf.jpg]
[Image: guerriercelte.jpg]
[Image: decorplaine.jpg]
[Image: decoroasis.jpg]
[Image: decorneige.jpg]
[Image: decorbarque.jpg]
[Image: strangetotem.jpg]

So, I hope you like it
And don't hesitate to crits. I love it >:]
I'm really liking the Environments and your sketchbook drawings. great stuff!
cool stuff man, that last one made me lol

Hi everyone !
Wow, I don't come here since a long time ^^

So here some shits I've done these days
testing inking with photoshop
[Image: alienthief.jpg]
[Image: testencragecharacterdes.jpg]
[Image: c18fanart.jpg]
[Image: testencragefor.jpg]

and other stuff
[Image: conceptdecor.jpg]
[Image: avatarbfffb.jpg]

The barriere language made me lazy -__-. I hope to stay here much longer !
And again, sorry for my maladroit english.
Really dig your work in here, Android 18 is sweet. hope to see more soon!

Sketchbook ▲  Website ▲ TwitterArtStation ▲ Twitch ▲

Nice work sir, what is your first language?

Thank you guys !
JonHop> Usually I speak french : D
your work is awesome !
nice sb you gots here! liking the character stuff and the environments! keep at it!
pas mal du tout ton sketchbook!
I like the pen sketches a lot

ok, je parle français mais pas parfait. J'essayer à parlez en français avec vous. Les peintures sont bien, ajouter encore. Bien travail!

Thanks ^^
JonHop, Warre > haha, je ne pensais pas qu'il y aurait des personnes connaissant la langue française ici ^^ but you can continue to write in english, i will understand ;)
It's just to speak and write in english that fucking difficult for me. But I understand what you write :p

So other stuff i do for a personal project
[Image: shufflesilhouette.jpg]
[Image: conceptmecano.jpg]
[Image: silet.jpg]
[Image: 3cratures.jpg]
[Image: conceptoiseau.jpg]

If you have any crits, please tell me ^^
Another chara design from my characters shapes
[Image: chara2.jpg]
I'm back from Hell
[Image: manjay.jpg]
[Image: rolldeath.jpg]
[Image: nainp.jpg]
[Image: 91268833.jpg]
[Image: testdcor4.jpg]
[Image: testdcor2.jpg]
[Image: sonofabitch.jpg]
[Image: obsmontagneski.jpg]
[Image: obsmontagne.jpg]
[Image: obsautoportraitmirror.jpg]
[Image: obsgaby.jpg]
just a quick doodle before bed
[Image: doctorlittlestache.jpg]
This is already such a diverse and well done sketchbook. I love how you go about rendering things. Out of curiosity, who is the character in the first image of post #4?

Warning to all. It's kind of image heavy. My Sketchbook
Thanks !
You mean this one ? http://imageshack.us/a/img703/8758/chara2.jpg
It's just a concept I've done for a personal project. But now this project is totally dead ^^
nice stuff you got there! keep it up

oh wow. such inspiration in here. fantastic work man. Your concepts are nice, very cool variety too. But those black and whites ink tests are just ridiculously good. Very comic like - very cool. Great work overall! Keep working keep going. and how was hell btw? :D

Actually I was asking about this one. http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/5605/alienthief.jpg

Warning to all. It's kind of image heavy. My Sketchbook

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