Lady Knight Random Generator

Just saw this somewhere on Facebook, which linked to this article on The Escapist. It looks fun and if everyone here does one drawing from it, we'll have a Crimson Cavalry of lady knights! How to pause those randomizing text in the generator? Take a screenshot either with print screen button button or use Snipping Tool (comes with Windows). Or drag the gif with your mouse, and in mid-drag you'll see a preview of the gif, paused. You can see several examples done by the artist who also made the generator, Sean Ng, in that article link which I forgot to bold-face or underscore earlier...

100 years have passed and i've just finished my lady knight :D

She's on foot though, so i guess she could act like a support for the Crimson Cavalry (has anyone else done them ? :3)

That is amazing good sir! I shall gladly wait another 100 years if it means another one of these.

Thanks! :D Hope that more people will participate eventually, we need the CD squad.


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