how do you manage social media and external influences on your art?
#21 to hear this all. Wrt the jealousy feeling, for me just to clarify it's more a fleeting thing than something I wrestle with often, for sure. I totally like celebrating other people's achievements because I'm so bad at celebrating my own. I guess it is just the ugly selfish side of human nature that exists in all of us that surfaces from time to time.

Aging is....interesting. I'm only in my mid 30s so I'm still on the young side of old, but yeah you toatally start seeing your limits. Haha. Not bagging it, I'm much wiser, more balanced and focused overall I would say though it will always be a struggle . Life is fleeting, a gift and a challenge, and almost never easy, guess that's what makes it interesting.

@Sula, I think you're pretty much scratching into the professional category now wrt your skill. From now on its just about continuously honing your craft and hunting out the next great opportunity. For me i know i have skill now, but i have a hard time believing it and just putting my stuff out there. This needs to change. I think I'm still approaching the threshold, I don't feel I've got there myself, because I haven't really had a good pro gig yet and I am still trying to juggle the transition from a 9 to 5 to the idea of freelance. I guess at some point you have to just jump in full time but it is harder with a mortgage wrapped around one's ass like me, I guess.

Ok well I have to say I've felt really bolstered by knowing what you all feel in this area. It really does help me a lot! I may have some other social media questions and influence/development questions coming, so would appreciate continued input. Also if anyone reading this has their own questions on this topic please feel free to add to the thread. I like the idea of exploring the artists condition in this day and age, and helping others who may be reading too! ;)

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