Tudors Sketchbook
Pretty nervous about posting this seeing all you amazing people and your sketchbooks, but how else am I going to get better right?

Older to New

Some of my finished stuff.

I'm still in the process of trying to find my own style, which might be a tad visible with the varied gallery. Unless facing the left is a style? lol

Anyway, that's all I have to post right now.
Hopefully you guys enjoy something in it. :)

style is the last thing to worry about i would say.I think that your work would be better if you would take time to apply a under structure before anything i know it take time but patience can sometime be really rewarding planning before action that a key to good drawing

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Déjà vu :3

Hmm, I have to agree with darktiste. You shouldn't worry about your style right now. Focus on getting all the fundamentals down ~
Your interests and inspirations are what taper your personal style. But it shouldn't be something that's at the top of your list. There are many arguments on the internet about style, but in the end:

Don't think about it, it'll come to you!
Just keep experimenting as you're learning... and you'll surprise yourself with what you can do.

Keep pushing, I believe in yoooouuuu

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
That makes a ton of sense. Im trying to work on my fundamentals and get better at not using references to try and create my own characters n such.

Thanks for the advice and support :)


[Image: m9GlWTV.png]
[Image: c4Bm5vz.jpg]
[Image: zMEl6Rz.jpg]
[Image: TDn8mya.jpg]
[Image: BXgsH0K.jpg]
[Image: ozFjTNA.jpg]
[Image: GJI7B3d.jpg]
[Image: PHXSN7L.jpg]
[Image: WR1SdbY.jpg]

Been working on a portrait of Rust Cohle from True Detective. It seems that the more i do on it the worse it looks.

[Image: arCba1D.jpg]
[Image: yiJPBtr.jpg]
[Image: 3lQxeTv.jpg]
ref used http://collider.com/wp-content/uploads/t...aughey.jpg

also a owl sketch
[Image: 1902784_10151897159812077_1833934925_n.jpg]

Updates after some time.

[Image: tumblr_nahb4tggo31tsnamwo1_500.png]
[Image: tumblr_nak7nuDIVM1tsnamwo1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_naqnmhlOeL1tsnamwo1_500.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_naw85s7Tss1tsnamwo1_500.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_nb02z8qAAE1tsnamwo1_500.jpg]
Pics too big for some reason so thought I would put them in a spoiler.


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