Hey! :D
Hey, my name is Mick Scott, and I want to draw for a living.
I'm 16, and when I grow up I want to work on stuff like D&D, Pathfinder, and Magic because I play all those things! My plan is to draw every day until I get there. My favorite artists are Wayne Reynolds, Prometheus|ANJ, Clement Sauve, and Marko Djurdjevic. My largest inspirations are Algenpfleger and Robogabo and Dave Rapoza. I'm in my first year of college.
I'm not setting any real deathline goals, but by summer of 2013 I really want to be done with college and high school, begin my search for work, and most importantly I want to have a comfortable understanding of perspective, anatomy, color, and value. I've been posting every day for a month now on CA and I want to keep that up for the next year as well.

^That's my sketchbook^

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