Vompt's sketchbook
I don't have much to say this week other than my huge ass background (the one at the bottom) is really long to make. I really really really really want to get it done!

Life drawings:
[Image: h7HDjHY.jpg]

Morning sketches (I felt like doing self portraits):
[Image: qHNuzIN.jpg]

Wanted to do something else other than a study:
[Image: bdjlnV6.jpg]

And work in progress:
[Image: 0BaKe7T.jpg]

Until next week, enjoy!

Always open for critiques!Thumbs_up
My Sketchbook

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So I'm posting a bit earlier before I break my internet usage (again). I've been concentrating so much on my background. I'm almost done!

Morning sketches:
[Image: K03it50.jpg]

Life drawing (I tried from photos this time):
[Image: rxWCq3x.jpg]

work in progress:

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I have signed up for Daarken's mentorship, which is about to start in April. It's going to be awesome! I took his Intro to Digital Painting Class (with the premium tier!) because I felt that I need to strengthen my fundamentals that I desperately need. I can't wait to start!

In the mean time, here's some new stuff! I got really sick last week so I wasn't as productive as usual. I finally finished my huge ass background but I want to check if the colors are right before I post the huge version. You can see here some research I did for an upcoming background! I still going to make some research before I start a finished line art.

Morning sketches:
[Image: lWj0hsD.jpg]

I have decided that for now on, I'm going to do some 30min anatomy studies in the morning:
[Image: bNK63m4.jpg]

Life drawing from photos:
[Image: vQdfp9l.jpg]

Master Studies, First one is Waterhouse and the second is Sargent:
[Image: blUEp2G.jpg]

[Image: aBI3kEN.jpg]

Roughs, I got inspired by Noah Bradley's photo sets, they are awesome!:
[Image: n19E62f.jpg]

[Image: Sh3axmy.jpg]

Finished painting!:
[Image: KofDKM6.jpg]

Until next week, enjoy!

Always open for critiques!Thumbs_up
My Sketchbook

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Hey guys,
I didn't post last week because I forgot... Oh well, here's some sketchin'! Lately, I've been sketching a fuck-ton because I was trying to figure out was project I should do next. But... I'm still not sure... The last one here is from this week but I'm don't know if I should bring it to a finish...

Morning sketches:
[Image: XXF8SdW.jpg]

Morning anatomy studies. I should start cleaning again. The last few days I've been experimenting with clean lines but I'm still not satisfied:
[Image: bk6x3ol.jpg]

I had this idea for a giant fish monster chasing some guy in a corvette but meh:
[Image: 7oiEEfh.jpg]

Various ideas:
[Image: aewf02e.jpg]

Research for canyon rocks:
[Image: 37TMeCt.jpg]

I brough this rough canyon background using the sketches I've done but I don't know if I should paint this one:
[Image: 8vjyV0n.jpg]

Still not sure...:
[Image: a39WpP7.jpg]

Until next time!

Always open for critiques!Thumbs_up
My Sketchbook

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Hi Vompt! :) Really cool stuff you got in here, tons of variety and progress in so many ways! Awesome stuff to look at!

Congrats on finishing that background piece! Looks like it took quite a lot of work to get it done. I like your palette too, something I also noticed in that tree structure wip of yours. It's great you unify your colors like that with the gamut mask. :)

Your canyon sketches are amazing btw! i'd love to see those all rendered out. The last one leaves a bit more open space at the focal point to lead the eye towards, but I really like the rock structures on the one before it. Keep up the great work and hope to see more soon! :)

Thanks Minksy! So nice of you! Well, I don't know if I'm going to render out those canyons, mosly because I don't feel like I should draw something else instead. In my student short film , there were canyons everywhere and I fear that I might become repetive...

Anyway, here's what I did this week! I mostly sketched stuff again to find an idea to do but I've gotten antsy to finally start my mentorship with Daarken.

My class with Daarken started yesterday and it was great. We talked on a live chat with fellow students about our portfolio review he did and he did point out stuff that I didn't notice. He's a relax guy and I wish I had written down the questions I wanted to ask him. Oh well! It will have to wait until next week. He gave us as homework some thumbnails composition studies, you guy are going to see those next week!

Here's my stuff!

Morning sketches:
[Image: D28Byyo.jpg]

Morning anatomy study:
[Image: 6frMOcL.jpg]

Some thumbnails and a Robot sketch:
[Image: TwvBeoO.jpg]

And a Leyendecker study! I know thew face isn't the same but I still like it.:
[Image: medaLPr.jpg]

Until next week! See you then!

Always open for critiques!Thumbs_up
My Sketchbook

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You've got some really good drawing skills. I really dig the line quality in your studies. Love the Leyender copy too.

(04-12-2015, 12:21 PM)naive.super Wrote: You've got some really good drawing skills. I really dig the line quality in your studies. Love the Leyender copy too.

Hey! Thanks man! Well, I like sketching in photoshop but I'm still not satisfied my my clean line work. Photoshop seems to not be so good at this...

Also, for my anatomy study, I want to start adding form with values to them and I've been meaning to ask you, how do you go about to it in your traditionnal art? Every time that I tried it, I really hated the result.

Always open for critiques!Thumbs_up
My Sketchbook

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Awesome stuff, you seem to balance character and environment stuff well. I really dig those environment sketches a few posts up!
Hey everyone,
again... internet...

Anyway, here's some of my latest stuff. I started my mentorship with Daarken and it's going to be great! He has great insight and I am eager to learn from him! Here we go again:

Morning anatomy study:
[Image: BPOhsmV.jpg]

Morning sketching. I felt drawing on paper again, it feels so refreshing!:
[Image: pwjS3V0.jpg]

Subway observational drawing, there are also some master studies from the museum of fine arts in here too! I wanted to make more but I got kicked out of the museum because it was closing time. I should have arrived earlier!:
[Image: PMrYFJ9.jpg]

Life drawing. I'm getting tired of not having enough time to add form!:
[Image: 5a6Lwjt.jpg]

Some thumbnails for a short comic I'm working on. I want to submit it to the magazine ''Planche''. I know it won't pay much but I'm doing it for my own enjoyment.:
[Image: MVevJAa.jpg]


Week 1: I was tasked to make some thumbnail value studies of old and new masters. Also, I had to make thumbnails from imagination. I received my overview of it yesterday and Daarken for the master studies, there are certain values that tend to be a bit too light. As for the imagination thumbnails, he said that certain times, compositionnal stuff tend to be too close to the border of the canvas. He also reworked the one with the electric pole which is much better was he did. He also reworked the car chase to make it more dramatic, like making the car closer to the figure and the bike closer to the viewer. Really interesting!

[Image: MQZ17vx.jpg]

Week 2: I had to take a picture of various objects in my house and make a values study out of it. I think it is better than the last time I made something in black and white. I don't really like my onion, flower and drapery so some help from you guys are welcome! I'm going to have my correction next week but he did said for my next assignment to work on my edges because they tend to falls a bit too soft and blurry.

[Image: 48bWnzT.jpg]

Until next week, enjoy!

Always open for critiques!Thumbs_up
My Sketchbook

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Heys guys!

This week I worked really hard on my assignment which took the majority of my time. Here's what I did this week!

Morning anatomy study:
[Image: Pd1sQjU.jpg]

Morning sketching:
[Image: isRwgZG.jpg]

Week 3: I had the assignment to study a metal object, a tree, some rocks and a fruit. I had a lot of fun painting the helmet but when I made the tree, it fell flat and unintentionally stylized. The rocks I feel that they are a bit too soft, maybe if I used a harder chalk brush? As for the apple, I like it except for the dimples, they just seem pasted on there. If you're wondering why I didn't do the backgrounds and stuff, it's because the teacher wanted us to concentrate on the object of study itself.

Daarken looked over last week assignment and it seems that certain areas fell too dark too quickly and I need to watch out the value variations, especially the cloth. The edges of the cloth all fall always too soft, certain areas would have been interesting to have hard edges. The onion itself needed some harder edges too and its values were too dark.

Here's this weeks assignment!
[Image: KteiKy2.jpg]

Take care guys!

Always open for critiques!Thumbs_up
My Sketchbook

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Hey everyone! Heres this week!

anatomy warmups:
[Image: LKaDP9v.jpg]

Morning sketching:
[Image: 7fDC6qx.jpg]

Life drawing:
[Image: opOpSvF.jpg]

[Image: xqtcEjr.jpg]

Daarken has checked last week's homework and as I thought, the tree and the rocks falls flat and too smooth. The negative spaces of the tree should be more diversified and less symetrical. The light should blend more in the leaves and the bark needs to be less overworked. As for the rocks, I need to push the textured rocks with harder edges. I should also put more color variations because the colors of the shadow areas are a bit too desaturated. They are also too soft. The apple felt too airbrushy. I need to use bigger brushes with a bit more textures and push the values more. As for the helmet, maybe just push the shadow a bit darker with an adjustment layer.

Week 4: This weeks assignment was to paint a still life in color! I saw Daarken corrections after I gave in this homework and it was too late to realize that my apple and carrot was too smooth again. The wine glass seems a bit deformed as well...

[Image: hYgMItB.jpg]

Until next week, take care!

Always open for critiques!Thumbs_up
My Sketchbook

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Hey everyone, long time no see!

here's some update!

[Image: XoRaodu.jpg]

Morning sketching:
[Image: FmM6iEx.jpg]

For week 4, Daarken has told me to push the values of the shadows in general, nothing serious. There was also the wine glass that id a bit deformed which needed some work and some reflected lights on the drapery that needed to be added.

For week 5, I had to take pictures of the same building, one in the daytime, the other in nighttime. I had to study it in two different lighting conditions. When I had the overview, there was alot of perspective problems but I already knew that since I didn't do any construction at all, I eye balled it. Some of the values needed to be pushed more and there was some tangents that could have been eliminated so that the study can be more interresting. I don't necessarily have to be 100% accurate to the picture. If your modifications can make your picture better, do it!
[Image: SRUbGnz.jpg]

For week 6, we had to do a master study! Woo! But I ran in a couple of problems. I first wanted to do an Edmund Blair Leighton study but I got overwhelmed by the amount of details so I switch to Bouguereau. Bad idea. The same thing happened but even worst! So I ended up with a Waterhouse study. So, I ended up starting over 3 times! I've finished it at the last minute. I HATE that study. I hate it I hate it I hate it! Everything with it is wrong! Daarken realized that my figures were weak so that will be the biggest thing that I need to work on.

[Image: BDxhCju.jpg]

Until next time, take care!

Always open for critiques!Thumbs_up
My Sketchbook

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