ShoZ's Sketchbook
I'm folowing Daggers since weeks now, here is part of studies i did lately, i'll try to update everydays. I know that all this doesn't look realy detailed, i'm trying not to spend more than 2 hours on my portraits etc, i don't want to lose my time and just "learn" maximum of things in quick amount of time.

[Image: a60cddd52e26878747a7f48738a8a5c6-d4o394l.jpg]
[Image: faces_study_by_shoz_art-d4o4u7e.jpg]
[Image: hugo_weaving_by_shoz_art-d4ocern.jpg]
[Image: gladiator_vs_emperor_by_shoz_art-d4oic9t.jpg][Image: fairy_girl_by_shoz_art-d4oligd.jpg]
[Image: burne_hogarth_stud1_by_shoz_art-d4oy2c4.jpg]
[Image: burne_hogarth_stud2_by_shoz_art-d4oymgr.jpg]
[Image: burne_hogarth_hands1_by_shoz_art-d4p86ws.jpg]
[Image: ethan_by_shoz_art-d4pm5nt.jpg]
Quick hands study
Never studied skulls before, i guess it must be important to understand faces :
[Image: skulls_1_by_shoz_art-d4ppt30.jpg]
Gladiator movie still is great!
lookin guud man

Thanks a lot,
Here is a little exercice i tried, guessing how the face could be from the skull, think i did few mistakes.. :
[Image: skulls_2_by_shoz_art-d4pu9g1.jpg]
[Image: the_rise_of_tony_by_shoz_art-d4q3xmx.jpg]
Some legs study :
Hey nice start here! I really like the feel of that Gladiator study - your rendering style makes it feel kind of traditional. Also that most recent non-study piece is really nice! His pose feels a little weird to me, like I'm not sure if he's being aggressive or defensive - it may be because his back shoulder is already pretty far forward that I'm not really seeing a ton of action in that whipping motion outside of the whip winding around in the background.

Keep it up!

Steve Anthony Pierce
CD Sketchbook | Artstation | Instagram | Blog | Twitter | DA | Facebook
Hey thanks Steve ! Ur making hard work also, keep pushing !
For the hairless guy, it's kind of a static pose yep, some parts helped with a photo ref but i think my left hand is a bit off.

Here is the study for today :
[Image: bridgman__s_hands_study_by_shoz_art-d4qd3qh.jpg]
Hey, I realy need your help on this single cover, trying to finish this fast, can you guys give me some crits please ?


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