scribbles, sketches and other stuff
well, hello.
my art is not yet highly developed, as I only started it taking seriously about 3 years ago, and back then school still consumed most of my time.
so, here is some of my stuff, and after watching all the other wonderful sketchbooks, I feel almost ashamed :(
Still, I am highly motivated to get better.

some studies

some more polished works

some sketches for the monster hunter challenge; I'm a messy painter...

I suck at creature design -_-
thanks for watchin, bye :)
keep pushing it, youll def. get it!
The sketches for the monster hunter challenge definitely have an excellent use of colors to them. I'd try to spend more time on the individual drawings though, there are some that look more complete and others that seem more like throwaway ideas. Think about what this will actually end up looking like as a final and try not to have "placeholders" if you can help it :)


might eventuall become my final hunter design..
of course it need polishing, but before that I want to make sure it works.

after slaying the monster, he will prob get some nice cape and a new knive out of horn.. dunno.. still brainstorming
final pre-beast hunter concept.

I probably won't finish the complete challenge in time anymore, but I already learned some stuff.
For example, I am an incredibly slow painter... -_-
Well, thanks for watching, bye.
some scribbles, read through the Loomis book

some kind of storyboard, sry for poor quality

no refs :D

Critique Desired! I want to apply for university with those pictures.
Really, i would appreciate your help :D
[Image: shynude700_by_saraiza-d4va4i7.jpg]
[Image: ofelia700_by_saraiza-d4va4hr.jpg]
[Image: postapocalyptic700_by_saraiza-d4va4hy.jpg]
[Image: movement700_by_saraiza-d4va4hh.jpg]
[Image: entertainment700_by_saraiza-d4va4ha.jpg]
[Image: cello700_by_saraiza-d4va4gx.jpg]
[Image: blackwhite700_by_saraiza-d4va4go.jpg]
[Image: beauty700_by_saraiza-d4va4gd.jpg]
[Image: angel700_by_saraiza-d4va4g7.jpg]

Thanks for looking, I love you all :D
well, long time no see, I had lots of other things to keep my mind occupied and digital drawing didn't fit in anymore ( also I drew lots of traditioinal stuff- but nothing extraordinary)
so here something to show I'm still alive and trying to improve:

quick character sketch.. I can't draw lightning...
[Image: torleg700_by_saraiza-d51nzcm.jpg]

and some Work in Progress... took an old design and tried to "badass" it up a little
took a ref for the face - can you guess which actress it is? ;-)

[Image: xwip_by_saraiza-d51nzdl.jpg]

Crits are welcome! :D
So, have a good week everybody :)

hi, heres the WiP, part 2

[Image: badassx2_by_saraiza-d51sbja.jpg]

I'd really love to hear some feedback :)

Hey! Thanks for dropping by my sketchbook.
Ill return the feed back if you dont mind :) The main thing I see is that the legs are a little too long for the torso. Other than that if you add a shadow it will ground it bettter. but since its a WIP I'm sure you were planning on doing that, and the non-sword hand looks a little awkward. Other than that the golds/purples/reds works really well together. Cant wait to see this finished :) I'll follow you on DevArt if you dont mind :3

and the WiP goes along!
I hope I can show the finished thing on the next update.. if i do not plan on making a real background.... -_-
so far.. the hair! I redid it like 7 times at least... still not happy with the legs.. and my lighting sucks.. it is so flat.
[Image: badassxery4_by_saraiza-d528p5x.jpg]

Feedback and Critique highly encouraged! :)

that's it for today
bye :)

is it finished yet?
[Image: 6_badassx_by_saraiza-d52lrph.jpg]

the person still doesn't pop enough in my opinion, but I don't know how to change it..
also the lightning could be better, but I do not know what I could change
please, feedback and critique would help me very much!

bye :)

Did I say I was finished?
ha.. guess what.. I've reached the vicious artists`circle.. "oh it's pretty, let's use it as a desktop picture.." "oh, let's make it into a more broad format to fit the screen better" " oh, let's add some details" and my favourite: "yes, let's put a horde of monsters into the foreground! it will almost make absolutely not much effort!"


yes, it is a WiP again..
brain, why do you do this to me??
I have other work to do!
[Image: 7xpanorama_by_saraiza-d52qw2o.jpg]

I like the cloud/sun ray burst. Maybe darken the edges like a vignette ? Keep it up!!!
quick study today
it's nothing special, but man, it felt really good doing this. really relaxing :)
I really wish I could draw more, but at the moment I'm still stuck in university work.. and nothing of that has to do with drawing.

It's a movie still from "In Bruges", one of my favourite movies of all time.

I like what you did with your work in progress with the background, however I don't feel those monsters fit with the theme of the overall piece, also with the eagle the monsters and the size of your character the perspective seems off. I think if you made the clouds appear further in the distance and higher than they are at the moment and the eagle smaller so it seems further away that could help with the perspective. I think you should get rid of the monsters though. Just my 2 cents, hope they can be of some help to you.

Your quick face study is really good, nice to see you working hard with your art even though you have other commitments, keep it up!

I don't get much to drawing in the last time, as I got lots of test at the moment in university...
but I finally read the Gurney Book about color and light, and I got super motivated to do something.
so here is a WiP:
[Image: siren700_by_saraiza-d56xvd0.png]

It is supposed to be a Siren, I had that crazy idea that sirens are blind and can only perceive their surroundings through sonic waves... stuff... you know, like a bat.
Any feedback is welcome :D

Thanks everyone who left a comment here! They keep me motivated :)

@JonHop:thanks for the feedback, I will make the hawk definitely smaller. As for the monsters, I thought the picture made more sense with them.. Otherwise she just stands there in an awkward pose. But I will rework big parts of it again, so let's see how it turns out. :)

traditional poop

some loose sketchbook sketches

some experiments

off to new things! :)

some WiP, wanted a 20's look

and my entry for Angelique van der Mee's Birthday challenge:

the WiP goes along:

[Image: portrait600_2_by_saraiza-d599urf.jpg]

thanks to everyone who dropped by at my livestream :)


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