scribbles, sketches and other stuff
stuff from the random character generator (for the description go to the random character generator thread)

[Image: ellen_werwolfgirl_by_saraiza-d5a0obn.jpg]

study who took me way too long and i still didn't get the face right..

I'm working on Anguelique van der Mee'sAugust Challenge , thought I should share my progress so far.
(It's Centaur vs. Harpy)

[Image: epicmythicalfight700_by_saraiza-d5bkfrr.jpg]

Feedback is much appreciated!

Illustration's looking awesome. Love the Harpy, although there may be something off with (it's) left wing. Perspective's not quite working maybe.. I dno, could be wrong lol.

Love to see it when it's finished :) Keep it up.

@JakeB: thanks :D yeah, the wing looks strange, I tried keeping close to my reference, but it still needs a lot work.

harpy vs centaur vs my painting skills

I'm not quite sure what I should do with the background. any suggestions?

Good work Saraiza. Really happy you decided to try out the random character generator. Came out great.

That last one is comin along pretty cool so far. I think it's missin some dust flyin up off the ground from the birds wings flappin. Maybe a sunset to indicate that one of them is about to die if not both. I think some harder edges on the mountains as well, as they seem a little too blurry at the moment; I think you were trying to get them out of focus? Maybe some motion blurring on the spear to show some implied movement. Also, maybe some more feathers flying off, so it seems like a real struggle. just some ideas, I'm sure you'll figure something out, there's a lot more you can do with it.

Keep up the good work.
still needs soo much work..

@DennisKutsenko: thanks for the tips! I tried drawing the dust clouds, but they are harder than I expected.. I am not sure about the sunset, as it will completely overthrow the lighting I had in mind (not yet drawn..) but I made a little orange rim on the horizon anyway... :)

[Image: epicmythicalfightdreiii_by_saraiza-d5cmx4z.jpg]

Thanks and Goodnight!

soooooo... I tried doing environments... somehow they are incredibly hard for me


and a little fantasy environment WIP that looks horrible at the moment

and I added a background to my centaur vs. harpy picture, I guess my best take at environments so far.

I also made the picture higher, to show the centaur fullbody. good idea?
it is still a WiP, so critique and feedback is much appreciated. :D

grrrrrrrr environmeeeeents... I swear I will take you down!

Very nice, I can already see improvement here. Good that you are spending so much time on the illustration :D! I don't have any feedback regarding the environment because i am still learning to understand them >.<
aaaaaasdghhgshhdkl sjlkllllllllllaaaaaaargh
this is taking soooooooo looooooooooong -_-
I want it done till sunday or else I guess I'll go crazy

... please critque or give me some feedback, I want to call it finished soon

The illustration looks awesome ! like really really awesome ! i looked through from page one and it is HUGE improvement !
Awesome ideas in here, try and apply your studies to your illustrations more and you'll improve quickly :)

@Forrestimel, JerryActric: :D Thanks you guys *blush* I am definitely ready for some more improvement!

some study

a WiP - trying to go SciFi/Postapocalyptic

[Image: fightnew.jpg]

[Image: remember_me_by_saraiza-d5eut6z.png]

pencil sketches
[Image: WGj5t.jpg]
[Image: VwVqx.jpg]
[Image: DooaI.jpg]
[Image: xwIUd.jpg]
[Image: Sh7gZ.jpg]

and some WiP
saving it as a .jpg made it super dark.. no idea why..
[Image: xZSvT.jpg]

Last piece is improving quite nicely and has some nice narrative going on. Just watch out for his right arm, at the moment he looks like an amputee, just try putting his shoulder out a little bit more like in this reference

Other than that man keep it up!

You're making massive strides man. The recent pieces are looking great. And, with regard to your environments, you can already see improvement, just in the few you did. I might have to try focusing on them too :).

Nice stuff :).

@JacobJanerka: Thanks for the tip, will definitely fix it :)
@JakeB: Thanks :) Good to hear you see some improvement:D

little update on the last piece -
Feedback welcome :)
[Image: ip43D.jpg]

been working too long on this, redesigned everything and stuff, could as well show where I am now...
well.. first I painted until I got this:

then I decided I did not really like it, spent hourse searching for references, and now I got this:

Well.. I am curious if it will stay anything like this..

Im looking forward to see what direction you will take this image...

@M-Rahsart: :D well, than that makes two of us. :D

first a bit of a environment that I just scribbled along and .... well, I'll just put this here without further commentary..

and well, now to my other piece..
I kept changing stuff, and I am not sure what to do.. originally I wanted her to summon something out of the ground, but here hands were wrong for that, so I decided to make some lightning coming from the sky, but it looked horrible and messy and.. well..
I tried general looking magic stuff that comes out of here hands, or she is opening a portal to the right and summons some ghost-thingies up...
[Image: CaXFN.jpg]

last idea was to abandon the magic idea a bit and put a censer into her hands, so it looks like she does a ritual to guide the dead or something...priestess-ish...
[Image: 44nnK.jpg]

ideas please? Feedback?:-/


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