scribbles, sketches and other stuff
Nov 1 Selportrait - fail because I used a bad reference. also glasses and curls- 2 things I can't draw but unfortunately have... -_-
[Image: iJL9j.jpg]

Studies from today
[Image: YFQay.jpg]

[Image: 2xvWN.jpg]
[Image: X4nmp.jpg]
[Image: vWaAF.jpg]

old fighter barbarian portrait
[Image: vNSW4.jpg]

some sutff i quickly finished because I didn't have the nerve to work on it anymore

and to understand why i am so frustrated with it - my steps. Gods, I really should know what I want before I start painting -_-

^hmmm, I think the final/purple version is my favorite of the bunch. I prefer her pose and positioning of her hands to the others. It looks less "pose-y" and more like a natural movement. :)
uuh long time nothing so here some stuff

a study of underworld
[Image: underworld_movie_study_by_saraiza-d60shv0.png]

some portraits:
[Image: queen_of_shadows_by_saraiza-d661qk1.jpg]

[Image: queen_of_light_by_saraiza-d66i8ua.jpg]

[Image: caught_in_between_by_saraiza-d67dnf5.jpg]

Whoooa check out that evolution! You're improving rapidly guuurl :3 you can really tell by the way you're painting faces now - a lot more realistic. All these studies are paying off!
But yeah, that purple one with the steps would have to be my favourite - absolutely striking and the composition works nicely imo
Keep up the good work!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
well, it's been some time!

first: thanks for all the feedback!

and now for new stuff
first: studies:
[Image: girl-study.jpg]
[Image: face-study-01.jpg]

some post-apocalyptic concept
[Image: post-apo-concept.jpg]

and finally: a self-portrait. first time painting from mirror, and oh god.. do I really look like that?? (also I look really glum... it is horrible)
[Image: Vc37kTA.jpg]

Cool portraits, keep it up.

it's been a while, so I'm just gonna dump some stuff here I painted.
I feel like I'm stuck, and I've had many doubts in the last year if I should really try and get into art.. I simply don't paint enough, and all the talk around here about sitting 10+ hours in front of a screen with no social life really scare me... and all that with shitty pay and no workplace security.
Even though, after all the university stress I really enjoyed spending an entire day painting again (also because i bought an old used cintiq).
I don't know.. I feel I am getting nowhere but I also have no idea what else I could be doing in life.
[Image: therein_lies_the_beauty_by_saraiza-d6wtlf7.jpg]
[Image: skyworm_by_saraiza-d7eycw2.jpg]
[Image: bring_them_down_by_saraiza-d7mims2.jpg]
[Image: mindolluin_by_saraiza-d7x3zs5.jpg]
[Image: water_witch_by_saraiza-d7xtgjo.jpg]
[Image: queen_general_by_saraiza-d7zqep7.jpg]
[Image: remember_by_saraiza-d83oxae.jpg]
[Image: rishara_caan_resistance_by_saraiza-d844vea.jpg]

something I've been painting.. I am not happy with it. the colors seems somewhat lackluster, I am not sure about the background, composition and stuff.
some feedback would be nice!
[Image: IaJ95j4.jpg]


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