Benjamins Book of doom
warm up scribbles
[Image: scribbles_zpsvxqn1ukn.png]

something im trying to push
[Image: sdds_zpsn5eh7ck9.png]

Been sketching away from digital, having some wrist pains with my current desk and chair set up...curses!

[Image: 10505143_947168245313413_602972503973331...11h5ah.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2877_zpsiowgkd4k.jpg]

Also a local indie art mag wrote some very kind words about me and bits ive been doing :) remember to keep a eye out locally we artists are everywhere o.o

Really like that last traditional drawing you're making. The amount of studies and concepting you're doing is very inspiring for me!

Asian grammar differs from Western. "Water" above "Family" is more like The Water Tribe/Lineage. "Family" + "Water" is more like "the water owned by that family".

(03-21-2015, 02:53 AM)meat Wrote: Really like that last traditional drawing you're making. The amount of studies and concepting you're doing is very inspiring for me!

Asian grammar differs from Western. "Water" above "Family" is more like The Water Tribe/Lineage. "Family" + "Water" is more like "the water owned by that family".

Hey meat :D thanks for the comment
yeah im really diggin traditional recently feel like i can learn faster with pencil and paper digital confuses my peepers. and thanks for the correction with the symbols in the final i decided to leave them out because i wasn't 100% understanding them.

lunch time scribbles

[Image: Untitled-1_zpsq8rsjqya.png]

cool! so much progress after just a view pages! keep pushing man! i reaalllyy like the tree thing.
I would recommend you to try to finish something.

(03-24-2015, 06:14 AM)Nimao Wrote: cool! so much progress after just a view pages! keep pushing man! i reaalllyy like the tree thing.
I would recommend you to try to finish something.

thankyou :D yeah i wanna ink the tree with a quill i got, never used one before...haha
Yeah, i know i need to get pieces finished and not left at 70% completed.

trying to practice how i work up a piece and sketch/scribble

[Image: 4_zpshpkvv2ha.jpg]
[Image: 3_zpsmynjxfmi.png]
[Image: 2_zpspdlsczq5.png]
[Image: 1_zpslu9g0jbl.png]

Few Anatomy studies and basic breakdowns, found this really helps with reinforcement
[Image: Arm%20Studies%203_zpsxjcwbaa7.png]
[Image: Arm%20Studies2_zpsdtbpn1ih.png]
[Image: Arm%20Studies%202_zpsx9pvnzrs.png]
[Image: male%20study%201222_zpsp43ymi8t.png]
[Image: male%20study%2012_zpsqzmvvj0k.png]
[Image: Arm%20Studies_zps22ul0gjk.png]
[Image: Clothing%20Studies_zpsa3devhau.png]

thumb nailing out some ideas :)
[Image: 2015-03-31%2017.43.03_zpshrjfo6sh.jpg]
[Image: 2015-03-31%2017.42.53_zps2r1bxkda.jpg]
[Image: 2015-03-31%2017.42.45_zpsspe4d9um.jpg]
[Image: 2015-03-31%2017.42.33_zps2to3vplf.jpg]
[Image: 2015-03-31%2017.42.27_zpsba5y9gs4.jpg]

muchos bloodborne!
[Image: Untitled-1%208_zps3jjbxkw1.png]
[Image: thumbs_zpswfi0qjqc.png]
[Image: 533_zpsuciyfllo.png]
[Image: hunter_zpszdacaye9.png]
[Image: 2%205_zpsknonw8zl.png]
[Image: thumbnails_zpsubbohvui.png]

[Image: vamps_zpskxmnxpte.png]

New sketchbooks to fill :)
[img][Image: 12_zpst39pahcj.jpg][/img]
[img][Image: 11_zpsynlofrnk.jpg][/img]
[img][Image: 8_zpsp35pou9l.jpg][/img]
[img][Image: 9_zpsgiejj1cf.jpg][/img]
[img][Image: 10_zpsmxtolyky.jpg][/img]

[img][Image: 7_zpsrc2nton2.jpg][/img]
[img][Image: 6_zpscsmnfhpy.jpg][/img]
[img][Image: 5_zps7bcbymhu.jpg][/img]
[img][Image: 4_zpsv7pbesn4.jpg][/img]
[img][Image: 3_zpsyjrxy1wg.jpg][/img]
[img][Image: 2_zps8umjz2nm.jpg][/img]
[img][Image: 1_zpsojood6k7.jpg][/img]

[img][Image: Arm%20Studies2_zpsjh2p8jod.png][/img]
[img][Image: god_zpscy0f4pvi.png][/img]

doodlingz [img][Image: doodle1_zpsndbfa3zp.png][/img]
[img][Image: doodle_zpslbseuwe2.png][/img]

another warm up scribble before work [img][Image: Untitled-1_zpsvmg9t7yo.jpg][/img]

and i SUCK at still life...sigh so more i must do.
[Image: still%20life_zpsnevdjp5t.png]

[Image: master%20study%20gold%20red_zpsv8uqflgx.png]

[Image: thumbnails_zpsk4mxga8b.png]
owl men
[Image: owl%20me11n_zpspuyqx4yu.png]
[Image: owl%20men1_zpstfopswrg.png]

quick still life [Image: busty%20study_zpsesdzqg6i.png]

Cool stuff man! I can really see progress throughout thee 5 pages. I think you're doing all the right stuff. Keep up with the anatomy studies, they're really helping you! Can't wait to see how you progress in the future! :)



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quick idea sketch
[img][Image: galaxy%20king_zpsefrpbdwp.png][/img]

sketchbook studies

[img][Image: 54_zps9vburmpo.png][/img]
[img][Image: 53_zpsq4hlydc2.png][/img]

more sketchbook anatomy work. Got myself some china marker pencils, helping me with values alot
[img][Image: 55_zpsfkomvccs.png][/img]

snake queen idea i had and some robot western style characters, slowly working my way towards starting the old bloodsports challenges i never attempted when i was starting out

[Image: snake%20queen1png_zpseq6vabp3.png]

[img][Image: blimpblasters_zpslmiufjcq.png][/img]

on a roll today :) sorry, i hope 2 posts a day isnt spamming

[img][Image: dude_zpswnik4et0.png][/img]
[img][Image: photostudy_zps5zpmcxs4.png][/img]

quick 20min block in value practice
[img][Image: Untitled-1_zpsrz6qpuj2.png][/img]

and some fabric studies to go along with some sketchbook work i need to upload :)
[img][Image: fabric%20study_zps73z8g84l.png]
[img][Image: fabric%20stud1y_zps9p5jjcjc.png]


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