Benjamins Book of doom
playing around with a sketch i did :)

[img][Image: dude_zpsius8qwgy.png][/img]

This weeks work studies and personal bits

wanted to practice my free hand line work no under drawing
[Image: headplanes_zpswdv4btxc.png]

Bronson movie still study only quick but really enjoyed the process of blocking in silhouette and value. And some value warm up sketches

[Image: movie%20still%20comps_zps1yfcbk9t.png]

[Image: movie%20still%20comp222s2_zpseu1cldek.png]
[Image: movie%20still%20comp222s_zpsfhxr06en.png]
[Image: movie%20still%20comp22s_zpsa2qgqhkl.png]

[Image: Untitled-4_zpsmg9rvcts.png]
[Image: Untitled-1_zpsvupfvjt8.png]

[Image: Gorilla%20ritualist_zps7lt0acwv.png]
[Image: Nest%20Characters1_zpseryryfke.png]
[Image: Nest%20Characters2_zpsud9n0iqj.png]
[Image: Nest%20Characters_zpskloiuadb.png]

few scribbles from the noggin and a portrait im really trying to get right...i suck at faces..
[Image: movie%20still%20comps_zpstfpwmjco.png]
[Image: movie%20still%20comps1_zpsyjidqufa.png]
[Image: meeting_zps8g3uo5ed.png]

[Image: portrait_zpsxic3hams.png]

So i decided i wanted to do the bloodsports challenges starting with number 1 i posted a set of thumbnails a few days ago, i didnt like any of them so as per its the one i think of on the spot that i went with...or that i like for now haha
[Image: sci%20fi%20hunter_zpsdm0kswli.png]

I know you said you're struggling with it, but I'd say that portrait is looking pretty great. I'd be interested to see how that develops.
(05-14-2015, 06:17 AM)StardustLarva Wrote: I know you said you're struggling with it, but I'd say that portrait is looking pretty great. I'd be interested to see how that develops.

Thanks Stardust, its just a really weak area for me i feel, its something ive not spent enough time understanding

[Image: 10%20portraits_zps8wruumyv.png]

[Image: Apes_zpss5t8axwu.png]

[Image: demon_zpsh3d97fsn.png]
[Image: eye%20see%20you_zps5v4qqeld.png]
[Image: Gorilla%20ritualis1t_zpskouo93cv.png]
[Image: Nest%20Characters_zpsahiokevl.png]
[Image: Nest%20Characters1_zpshiptl8zg.png]

Nice, a lot of quick progress in here! e.e Awesome sketches I like all the creepy characters you're doing! :D Looks like you've been going for more refined work lately, you'll be hard kicking our asses (you already are) in no time! Inspiring.

You are your only limits!

(05-22-2015, 06:43 AM)LaleAnn Wrote: Nice, a lot of quick progress in here! e.e Awesome sketches I like all the creepy characters you're doing! :D Looks like you've been going for more refined work lately, you'll be hard kicking our asses (you already are) in no time! Inspiring.

Hey Laleann, thanks for the comment! far to kind :) yeah ive been digging the creepy vibe alot lately well its pretty much the only vibe i dig haha :) i wont be kicking any butts maybe a helping hand here and there lol :)
thanks again! btw your portrait work is AWESOME!

portrait practice i squeezed in before i move house :)

[Image: portraits_zps66cmy7rx.jpg]
[Image: portrait%202_zpsg3xiyq39.png]

Very nice studies man, the values are good along with the shapes. I would just watch for the sharp transitions. For example on this lady with the hat in your last post. The bridge of the nose on the left side transitions as if it were a cliff when it actually rounds into the down slope. Hopefully that made sense, keep the the studying!
(06-13-2015, 02:14 AM)BenFlores Wrote: Very nice studies man, the values are good along with the shapes. I would just watch for the sharp transitions. For example on this lady with the hat in your last post. The bridge of the nose on the left side transitions as if it were a cliff when it actually rounds into the down slope. Hopefully that made sense, keep the the studying!

very late reply here, not had internet access for sometime, disconnected myself from the machine for abit haha, but yeah dude totally agree! and thanks for the comments! <3

Been back in the cave for awhile, some things happened im now doing a tattoo apprenticeship and its been pretty sweet, a big change in lifestyle, but the time working on a style i want to tattoo in, has weirdly enforced and helped my art overall....i think. ramble ramble ramble

Here's some of the bits ive managed to get uploaded, think ive filled another 10 sketchbooks since uploading last. now ive got my photohooked up to dropbox, should be alot easier to keep upto date.

hope everyone had a sweet christmas 

[Image: 1_zps9daomzzb.png]

[Image: 2_zpsnuafgfqr.png]

[Image: fight2_zpsvodcr5c1.png]

Few more ideas for scenes i imagine being in NEST personal IP :) 

[Image: Tundra%20hounds_zpsl86ni8fs.png]

[Image: rat%20journey_zpsellmlpl2.png]

[Image: Nest%20moving%20flower_zpsvwbxkjbw.png]
[Image: rat_zpsds0mdkcm.png]
[Image: bug_zpsbwcjhqty.png]

Blood druid piece this was around 50% complete and im far more happy with this then the 100% urgh
I think i ended up over rendering and loosing some of the looseness i like in this version.
[Image: queen%20of%20the%20wood3_zpsrhwv78jo.png]

More doodles between drawing up tattoos

[Image: harpy_zpsry9kj16g.png]

[Image: ell_zpswhqz5vzn.png]

because POKEMON!
[Image: pukomn_zpszamm6nem.png]
[Image: sketch_zpsbgmhs1qg.jpg]
[Image: bats2_zpsnfgvzxwf.jpg]

[Image: bats_zpscteiuaam.jpg]

[Image: randomn_zpsc7whmafj.jpg]
[Image: sketch%202_zps5n5lddes.png]
really quick value study 
[Image: female%20faces%201_zpsuwlotihl.png]

A morning wake up study i did, trying to get my brain in value gear, REALLY need to work on my soft edges

[Image: statue_zpsxnaygqre.png]

 Before christmas i wanted to try and do a bust character sketch a day, heres a few i got done inbetween studies and drawing up tattoo designs 

[Image: 15_zps8rhcfdse.png]
[Image: 14_zpsgbtjgd5x.png]
[Image: 13_zpsvwqkr5pm.png]
[Image: 12_zpsevgwpd0o.png]
[Image: 3_zps6j5kcvdb.png]
[Image: alien_zpsshsz46mz.png]
[Image: 10_zpsbyvpic4b.png]
[Image: 2_zpsztaymim3.png]
[Image: 1_zpsifqtlmuz.png]
[Image: dooooodle_zps3g7axuko.png]
[Image: 5_zps9k78iym0.png]

Indeed, it has helped you be more confident with your art! :D I see your style is becoming more personal.. I have to say some remind me of early Brent Hollowell stuff! Really cool!

Only thing I'd say is now try to push those sketches a little further. You've got a lot of sketches and speedpaints, which look awesome, but it'd be much more rewarding if you did push one or two into full illustrations (maybe you don't show them here). Keep it up! Good to see you back!!

You are your only limits!

(12-29-2015, 07:25 AM)LaleAnn Wrote: Indeed, it has helped you be more confident with your art! :D I see your style is becoming more personal.. I have to say some remind me of early Brent Hollowell stuff! Really cool!

Only thing I'd say is now try to push those sketches a little further. You've got a lot of sketches and speedpaints, which look awesome, but it'd be much more rewarding if you did push one or two into full illustrations (maybe you don't show them here). Keep it up! Good to see you back!!

Hey LaleAnn 
 Thanks dude! thats a big compliment :) BUT i totally agree with you, im finding it very hard to finish something, not liking it enough to take it too a finish is my problem, but i think that is from a lack of planning. to be honest i just need to knuckle down and get shit finished thanks bro :) appreciate it

Few more NEST sketches, creature/ character design, wanted him to have honey badger like body shape.
[Image: thing_zps4yh7bgyj.png]
[Image: nest%20stuff_zpsxvlk39jq.png]
Heres a idea i had for a meeting between the "foxes" and this race of dying deer/rabbits?, the idea was that the fox was offering this "book of life" to restore them to how they was?, still so many questions

I dont know if these interest anyone on here, but these are my flash sheets ive been working on for my tattooing, i hope that one day both my digital stuff, or more illustrated stuff will merge into one style? but at the minute im happy bouncing between the two, its been very different, kinda working backwards to really simplify designs, anyways heres a few of about 50 ive done in total 

[Image: 12038325_1048457725184464_77322253350430...xthudu.jpg]
[Image: 11903697_1035505779812992_19177549477053...gfegox.jpg]
[Image: 11873741_1035505776479659_36194122183730...nik3ad.jpg]
[Image: 12030257_1048457748517795_78963482866229...iudnri.jpg]
[Image: 12274628_1078838372146399_47258849719709...x7djq4.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_nyj9q4tXFn1qgphqno1_500_zpsbo6qzkby.jpg]
[Image: 12243043_1077610642269172_51320231822270...efuab6.jpg]

Hi rainbowsorknives ,
Thanks for the kind words in my sketchbook. I like the variety you have in your sketchbook. The ideas behind your images also seem really interesting and strong. I notice that your ink work is much stronger than you more painterly work. I wonder if it's because you are able to be more definitive and direct with the way you express yourself. The digital works seem more tentative and nebulous as stand alone images. Perhaps you could try to use more opaque brushes when painting digitally?
Anyway, keep up the good work. Hope to see more.

"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.
(12-30-2015, 04:37 PM)JavierP Wrote: Hi rainbowsorknives ,
Thanks for the kind words in my sketchbook. I like the variety you have in your sketchbook. The ideas behind your images also seem really interesting and strong. I notice that your ink work is much stronger than you more painterly work. I wonder if it's because you are able to be more definitive and direct with the way you express yourself. The digital works seem more tentative and nebulous as stand alone images. Perhaps you could try to use more opaque brushes when painting digitally?
Anyway, keep up the good work. Hope to see more.

Hey Jav, no worries dude love your work
 Thanks for the kind words, really appreciate it pal. I think what you said about my ink work being more definitive and direct is on points, i do find alot straight forward and easier to dictate what i want from it.  When you said tentative and nebulous, im not entirely sure what you mean, could you explain?. Thanks again for the comment bro

Hey rainbowsorknives,
Sure I can explain what I meant by that comment. Simply put, the digital sketches appear to be soft and blobby, both in actual appearance and in terms of the ideas behind them. For example this sketch:

There are some really cool things going on here, but a lot of the figure is not well defined and his costume elements seem too loose to tell what they are. Now I realize this is a sketch, but I think it is important to consider things like costume and anatomy as soon as possible in the drawing process, so that you have an idea of where you are going with your image.
I'm not suggesting all your sketches should be highly polished, rendered images. Instead I was merely encouraging you to make more definite design decisions as you work, rather than leaving them for later in the drawing/painting process. This study you posted is a good example of that:

It's quite loose, yet it very clearly communicates quite a bit about the statue's clothing, costume and lighting condtions. Your more line based approach is definitely more clear and concise, so these observations are really only relating to your more painterly approaches. As always feel free to ignore what you wish. I do hope this helps in some way though.

"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.
(12-31-2015, 08:29 AM)JavierP Wrote: Hey rainbowsorknives,
Sure I can explain what I meant by that comment. Simply put, the digital sketches appear to be soft and blobby, both in actual appearance and in terms of the ideas behind them. For example this sketch:

There are some really cool things going on here, but a lot of the figure is not well defined and his costume elements seem too loose to tell what they are. Now I realize this is a sketch, but I think it is important to consider things like costume and anatomy as soon as possible in the drawing process, so that you have an idea of where you are going with your image.
I'm not suggesting all your sketches should be highly polished, rendered images. Instead I was merely encouraging you to make more definite design decisions as you work, rather than leaving them for later in the drawing/painting process. This study you posted is a good example of that:

It's quite loose, yet it very clearly communicates quite a bit about the statue's clothing, costume and lighting condtions. Your more line based approach is definitely more clear and concise, so these observations are really only relating to your more painterly approaches. As always feel free to ignore what you wish. I do hope this helps in some way though.

 Thanks for going into depth pal, really appreciate this! much love. 

 Ive gotta agree with you pal, the weight the study has over the chara is night and day, and to be honest i wouldnt have noticed this, looking back through my work my studies do seem to be alot more solid and have better execution. I think what you said about bringing costume and anatomy in as soon as possible is something i need to incorporate more. Cheers Javier :)


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