buxus painting book
starting a book about painting

the goal is getting better at painting, experiment with brushes and style, like a traditional painter.

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master studies

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ups yeah forgot to say, all ref, mainly this is about paint what i see.
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Woooo what's up mannnnn welcome to the Daggers! Interested to see where the painty style direction goes, it looks promising so far. Which painting book did you get, if you don't mind me asking? That last sketch has a cool style to it, reminds me of Jen Zee's stuff. Critwise, it looks a little desaturated to me, maybe some color adjustments? Hope to see it finished, keep posting! :)

pnate: hey man thx for the welcome, book? got my eyes on richard scchmid but read from many books and stuffs, im trying to get traditional strokes in digital media, so far so hard, i did small adjustments today but im gonna call it finished, it was supposed to be something to relax from paint aaand jen zee is a big inspiration, how she does it?....

only small adjustments

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will be a bit off for a week or two., its harvest time here.
Lots of nice work in here, I don't really go much to say other than I enjoy looking at them all, and keep going!

thank you meat

imagination, retake of old pieces, just trying stuff.

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and studies

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just for fun

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