BlueBear's Sketchbook
Hi im new around here and a complete noob at art, im 19 year old and i just finished highschool , i have a gap year so im looking foward to improve as much as i can before i go learn enterteiment design next year .
all C&C are more then welcome :)

C&C are welcome (higher res)

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C&C are more then welcome

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some quick studies of soldiers mainly

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Looking good! I think it might be better to use smaller images here, it already took me a while to load this page, and it's only three posts so far...


more newbie stuff

ye sorry olooriel , ill keep it in mind ^^ and ty
Is this small enought? im having som trouble with the image sizes too sorry for the trouble XP
This seem a good size. Remember not everyone has max high screen resolution. And if you view the 3k img at full size, you can't see all of it anyway, plus the slow load time.

Hey there bluebear! Nice job on that last character, would have loved to see some color on that guy :) I'm digging the design on those previous characters, but watch out for those proportions - their heads seem a little large and their extremities a little small. Keep it up!

Thanks man , ill try learning better proportions, funny how i had never thought of that but now that you mention it they do seem very disproportionate ^^ , about the color , im trying to be able to do value paintings correctly first and when im a bit better i think ill go back to color :)
Armor studies , on the second piece the left shoulder thing is not bigger then the other by mistake , but i dont really know its purpose , C&C welcome

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Great studies man! I should do some of those as well. Nothing to crit there really.

As for character design Monster hunter is really cool!
Magic thiefs - ill double Pnate with prportions. and also materials, do some studies man, (well youre doin i can see that) be aware what is leather, cloth or shiny metal. Ill pay off. Keep up the grat stuff.
Thanks :D , ill definitely keep up the studies and ty for stoping by ^^
3rd element of the magic thiefs , i used some ref for her pose

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done the last thief crew member ( this are just for fun and learning ) , with this one i tried playing a bit more with proportions :P , i also started looking back to some of the older guys and looking at it with the crits in mind, i mainly just changed the head proportions

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dont really like how it came out , i dont know why tho . Atleast i had some fun doing it , now i must go do my sp :)

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Hey man, cool sketchbook! Try doing some gray scale value only studies, your values seem to be a bit flat here and there (if you are going to play with overcast a lot you need to develop really good color harmony and have very well placed ambient occlusion spots - look at zedig deboine for this kind of stuff)

I also think some of your poses look very natural (like your monsterhunter one) while others not so much, try to figure out what is working in some cases and not in other. It's natural to be inconsistent right before making a skill jump ;)

Keep rockin', it was nice talking to you.

Hi Bemota , thanks for the crits they are really helfull to make me improve , yes you're completly right , i need to some real studying , i need to get my foundations ( color , value , anatomy , poses ...) . I never practiced much thats probably why my stuff is so random and inconsistnt , another reason might be that for some of them , i look at poses to get ref and not mess it up , but i have go back and learn my stuff before screwing around ^^ , i guess i have been rushing this stuff out of the door a bit to get stuff to apply to a school , but now that its done i have some time .
About zedig deboine , i had already seen his work before , amazing indeed , ill defenetly pay more attention to his color/value skills in the future .
once again ty for stopping by ;)
P.S. , i just found out from DA where you're from :D TUGAPOWER
I came out with a bit of a douchbag look , but i had a great time doing this for the first self portrait day i got into.

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forest keeper (chow) wip , not really happy with it so im not sure this will be the one that i will finish up and render to submit , and then some quick pose studies

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Bloub ! nice sketches dude ! just take care to your values, those are too close values, but keep practicing your poses and gestures ! keep up the work good luck !


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